An Obituary for White Christian America
I've always had a hard time reading and discussing early/mid 20th Century world history, it makes me angry and sick. This book is no different, I keep having to take breaks.
Because telling someone to be quiet on the internet to avoid abuse and harassment is like telling women that the best way to avoid being raped is not to go outside, and there are many more of us who won't be silenced, because fuck that.
I loved this book! It was quick witted and funny. You feel like you're chatting with Lauren in a coffee shop. She's a very interesting person, and her book definitely reflects that.
After reading 'Men Explain Things To Me' I found this. It's very thought provoking and brings up points that may otherwise have gone unnoticed. I am really enjoying this.
"Women in this country must become revolutionaries" hell yes.
Oh these silly early 18th century men, they have no idea what's coming.