Book group choice which I'm reading way too slowly. Really didn't like this to start but it's definitely growing on me. No chance of finishing by Thursday though!! #slowreader #dontlikethrillers #Toomuchdialogue
Book group choice which I'm reading way too slowly. Really didn't like this to start but it's definitely growing on me. No chance of finishing by Thursday though!! #slowreader #dontlikethrillers #Toomuchdialogue
Graphic novels are a lifesaver when I'm exhausted due to lack of sleep and have the concentration span of a goldfish! #jilliantamaki #thisonesummer #graphicnovels #lifewithababy
A massive pile of laundry vs The Power... Hmmm.. No competition!!!
People are always asking when I get time to read now that I have two little ones. Well this is mainly the answer. 20 minutes of stolen reading while the baby sleeps and the pre-schooler takes too long over breakfast. This is why I'm now only getting through a book a month. If that. Enjoying this book which is essentially a collection of essays as its easy to dip in and out of.
Squeezing in some reading while the eldest and his dad play in the pool. #whatimreading #weekendreading #pooltime
The Sand Pits at Horsell Common in Woking, Surrey, England. This is where the aliens land in the book. 🙂 #localliterature #scifi
Really enjoying how the graphic novels differ slightly to the tv show. Feels like I'm getting a whole extra show. For example, Tyreese is a completely different characters. I think I prefer TV Tyreese 😄
Just starting this one. #ghanamustgo #taiyeselasi #africanfabric #africanprint #africanwriters #bookstagram #librarybook
Loved this snapshot of London life!
Special surprise was finding out at the end of the book that Ini Kamoze or Here Comes the Hotstepper fame wrote Welcome to Jamrock! Who knew!?!?
#popreferences #nw #zadiesmith #londonbooks #ukbooks
Loving this one but very difficult to squeeze in any reading time between crying newborn and demanding toddler! #NW #zadiesmith #badmummy