5 out of 5. This book broke my effing heart! The setting was unbearably familiar and successfully gave me life and broke me at the same time. Read this book! Have tissues handy!
5 out of 5. This book broke my effing heart! The setting was unbearably familiar and successfully gave me life and broke me at the same time. Read this book! Have tissues handy!
So, I need to discuss!!! I turn to my litsy friends who've read this book, if your son commit a murder when he was 17, what do you do? Helo him hide the body? Send his ass to jail? As a wife of over 15 years, how would you teact to finding out your husband killed someone in his adolescence?
So, this book has me really thinking about marriage, and what it means and how so much can happen. I like when books make me think. Its refreshing. I'm excited.
Naturally one of the first books to call my attention after getting married 😥 courtesy of my local library !!
"In that little room, lit by paraffin lamp, with a back that was aching, on a chair that needed mending, he had told her 'I can't imagine a more fortunate existence'"
"Like the wheat fields where more grain is sown than can ripen, God seemed to sprinkle extra children about, and harvest them according to some indecipherable, divine calendar."