Thanks, Blake Crouch. I need to be sleeping. #wayward #myhusbandwouldbejealous
Thanks, Blake Crouch. I need to be sleeping. #wayward #myhusbandwouldbejealous
ThriftBooks came through for me! Activity time! 🤓📖📚
Hard to find time to pick up a book lately, because of the summer semester coming to an end. Always time for an audiobook! I love Mark Tufo, always find myself laughing at his hilarious dialogue!
Finishing up the last few hours of War Storm, while at work. Then my only day off shall be dedicated to homework, reading and relaxing! I have enjoyed the Red Queen series. I enjoy Victoria Aveyard‘s writing. Her descriptiveness is on point, and is not overwhelming. Interesting female lead!
As my day winds down, I could only think about starting a new beginning... To an audiobook that is.