An enjoyable read. Kept me guessing till the end. But the ending was a little weak. Felt rushed.
An enjoyable read. Kept me guessing till the end. But the ending was a little weak. Felt rushed.
Massive fan of the film and the book is even better!!!
Took a while to get started but was quite funny. You're typical hate turns to love romance.
This book was fab! Gripping till the very end and even then you want to know more!
I am shook! This will take me at least a day to get over! The first of this series was good, very good but this was better! Read it!
The first one was good, this one is better! Once again, the ending shocked me! I pride myself in guessing the killer before the end, but this one out did me!
OMG! Thos book is seriously amazing! It keeps ypi guessing right up until the end!
Amazing! You will be thinking about this book days after you finish it! It literally changes the way you view the world around you. Finished it in one sitting! Read it before you see the film!
A very moving story. Saw the filmed first and have to say the book is way better. ( when isnt it!). Beautifully written but wouldnt recommend to young teen readers.
Grab the tissues this book is a tear jerker. It messed me up! I was not ok! So well written, a beautiful story that really gets you thinking about life.
Weird as hell, but very good! So easy to read, read it in 2 hours (with a tea break in between because, hey I'm English.) Very surreal and delvea deep into metal illness im a very unusual way. Not going to lie, was picturing Daniel Radcliffe the whole way through.
I had to read this for University but i am glad i did. This book is beautifully written and you can feel the numbness of the characters emotions. Really good read.
Really enjoyed this book. Brought together history and a hint of magic. Awesome book but dont reccomend reading straight after watching the TV series.
It wasnt terrible. It was a good story but it was not worth all of the hype. I wasnt left wanting more. Worked out who did it half way through and spent the rest just trying to get through it.
Just starting this book! Loved the first one, 'The Chemistry of Death.' Hoping this one will be just as good.