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Every Boy's Got One
Every Boy's Got One | Meg Cabot
7 posts | 46 read | 4 to read
Cartoonist Jane Harris is delighted by the prospect of her first-ever trip to Europe. But it's hate at first sight for Jane and Cal Langdon, and neither is too happy at the prospect of sharing a villa with one another for a weeknot even in the beautiful and picturesque Marches countryside. But when Holly and Mark's wedding plans hit a major snag that only Jane and Cal can repair, the two find themselves having to put aside their mutual dislike for one another in order to get their best friends on the road to wedded blissand end up on a road themselves ... one neither of them ever expected.
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Meg Cabot's books have always been hit or miss with me, and this one wasn't really for me. However, that's more my problem than hers. The inevitable romance of two complete opposites who spend most of the book hating each other just isn't my cup of tea. But I know that a lot of people are really into those types of romance novels, so I'm probably in the minority of readers who didn't enjoy this one.

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Took a while to get started but was quite funny. You're typical hate turns to love romance.

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I picked up my copy of The Boy is Back from the library today and I'm pretty stoked. I really hope it doesn't suck. It has been a long time since I've read a Meg Cabot (and the last few were meh) but I loved these boy books. Every Boy's Got One was my favorite but Boy Meets Girl was a really close second. #romantsy

Michelle_mck I finished it over the weekend and I enjoyed it 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I want it but the library is yet to oblige 🤔 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Actually, I've read this one (there is a new one that I'd like to read) I remember enjoying! 8y
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MarriedtoMrT @Michelle_mck Yay! Good to hear positive feedback. 8y
MarriedtoMrT @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Yeah, this one is "old" now. And I'm not so sure why the long gap between "boy" books. The new one is 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag She's made a bit of a comeback in general, I think with new books from her old series'. There's been a new Princess Diaries and Mediator book and now a new "Boy".... 8y
MarriedtoMrT @thegirlwiththelibrarybag That's right! I forgot about the others because I didn't read those series but I remember hearing about them coming out. I wonder what sparked the resurgence. 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Nostalgia? Princess Mia and Suze all grown up and living the adult life... 8y
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Normally a book told through journal entries & emails would drive me crazy, but I loved this one! I haven't read a lot by this author, but this one makes me want to read more by her. It was just a nice, short read


Cool book, although I'm tired of always seeing the woman being the one obsessed with true love/weddings/marriage, while the man is the one afraid of commitment/vehemently opposed to concept of monogamous love/terrified of marriage. Like. Give me that trope flipped. Show me men who are desperate for love & marriage. Show me women who genuinely believe that love & marriage are bullshit. Who AREN'T just portrayed as heartless sociopaths. Please.

mllemay I second that request! Women are complex and multi-faceted beings in real life. It's unfortunate that a lot of books makes us all seem the same 😒 8y
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I do this thing where I save my tea tags. Early in the year I decided to put them on a notebook of mine, and my mom liked it so much that she's having me cover a notebook of hers in tags, so that's my project for today ☕️💕 I hope you all have a stupendous day! EDIT: would anyone be interested in buying tea tag bookmarks if I made them and sold them on Etsy? ✨

JPeterson This is such a cute idea! I'm sure you would get some many buyers on etsy for bookmarks like these! 8y
Varshitha That looks great.. 8y
Karen3 I love this! Such a cool idea. 8y
SusanInTiburon Adorable! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa That is so cool! 8y
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Here's the stack I got from the library in today's book haul, including Hawkeye Vol. 3, Captain Marvel (yay for the movie announcement!!), two WW comics, a Buffy graphic novel collection, and two Nancy Drew graphic novels. AND a manga version of P&P. And more Cabot, of course. 💙 Super excited about the superhero comics!

BookCottageBlog I'm so behind on Hawkeye. They're stacked up and ready to go - I just need some time. 8y
BookishFeminist @BookCottageBlog I am too! It needs to happen. 8y
queerbookreader @BookishFeminist @BookCottageBlog They're so funny 😂 I strongly suggest you start them soon! 8y
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