Loved the narrator character arc. Well-written, bit depressing at points.
The plot was good, but I stuck around because I really wanted some sort of redemption. I‘d recommend if you‘re having family trouble. 7/10
Loved the narrator character arc. Well-written, bit depressing at points.
The plot was good, but I stuck around because I really wanted some sort of redemption. I‘d recommend if you‘re having family trouble. 7/10
Somebody special recommended this to me and it‘s definitely like nothing I‘ve read. Very quick and engaging but everything is open ended. I‘d definitely recommend for somebody who is trying to get out of a reading slump, but not for somebody who wants something to dive deep into. 6.5/10
Excellent mystery. The changes in narration were very interesting, a very unique book. Took me a while to read it, but I always maintained interest. I did see a good amount of twists coming, but there were some that surprised me. Definitely loved the characters, very well rounded and described. Easy to root for their success or failures. Would definitely recommend 8.5/10
It‘s sad but it‘s fitting. The whole first part of the story was about how the human species was holding on to time (via necessities) as much as they could. The symbolism of a child experiencing all time ends the innocence associated with a child and makes time more foreboding and end-all. Makes you feel small while appreciating the “big.” 8/10
Different from most books I‘ve read from the author. I thought it was a witty and creative interpretation of the play. There were some themes brought up I had never picked up on originally. Gripping beginning and end, but mild in the middle. Understandable based on the content interpreted. I‘d recommend it for somebody who enjoys theatre and vengeance, but not quite ready to delve into Shakespeare. 7/10
Let me start out by saying I wouldn‘t recommend this book unless you have an open mind. I could not put this book down, it will definitely stay with you after you finish. Wonderful writing, original (albeit hard to swallow) plot, and an unsettling dip into what it is to be human. This dystopian novel was mind-blowing. I‘d absolutely read it again to study it more. A bit unnerving, but if you stick with it you will truly appreciate it. 9.5/10
Thought I would pick up an easy mystery. Although I appreciate the easy read, not something I would recommend to a more advanced reader. I appreciated the feminist notions, but there wasn‘t much exploring each character besides a page or two. Seemed very two dimensional. It was nice to read and I still finished, however I wouldn‘t pick up one similar. 5/10
Was in a bit of a romance mood, decided to read her later work. Started off a bit slow, took me a while to get used to the diction. About 1/3 of the way in, I became very involved. I felt like I knew the protagonist very well, and began to dislike those she did. Great book, would recommend when you‘re having any struggles with identity or lost love. 7/10
Made the mistake of picking up Year of the Flood before her first novel. I‘m biased because I love the author, but the story telling was easy to delve into. Used her common method of flashbacks, included a bit of vulgarity I respect. I tended to skip over the breaks between characters with Adams sermons, but I‘d recommend this to anyone that appreciates a good dystopian novel. 8/10
Finished the Maltese Falcon, always heard great things but never had a chance to pick it up. Although I did find the plot a bit bland, probably from many imitations based upon the book, the storytelling was wonderful. I started out hating the main character and ended up having a respect for his behavior. Hard to put down. 7.5/10