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Joined May 2019

The party don't start 'til I walk in. http://imperfecthappiness.org The Storygraph: imperfectcj, IG: @ctlvoiceover
Untitled | Unknown
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1) My blog (Imperfect Happiness...started as a happiness project) plus my initials.
2) Walk, cook, drive, housework, sometimes puzzles.
3) The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones.

@Eggs #WondrousWednesday

Eggs Thanks for joining in💜 2d
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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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1) Nope. 20 years ago, my spouse once had to wear a pair of my underwear on top of his clothes when he lost a sports-related bet with a friend. That's as close as I've gotten.

2) The MC plays squash in this one. I suppose many of Irving's novels would work for this prompt.

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView #1 is funny. I hope you got a picture! Thanks for playing 2d
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The Five Red Herrings | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Okay, so this book just had a scene in which the characters have a detailed conversation about which trains and buses are best to take, and now I keep picturing the characters as the cast of SNL's The Californians.

LiteraryinLawrence Yesssssss 2d
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The Five Red Herrings | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Time notation in this novel is different than I've seen it before. I've been able to find an explanation for "point format" (using a point rather than a colon between the hour and minute), but I'm not sure about the absence of the zero before a single-digit minute (1.7 vs 1.07). My hypothesis: That the zero as a placeholder is an addition that came about after digital clocks were introduced.

Does anyone have insight into this history?

ImperfectCJ @TieDyeDude Hmm...this makes sense for a timecard where you're measuring amounts of time, but I don't think in the context of the time-telling usage in this pre-WWII novel (e.g., in dialogue and in train time tables), the decimal point as representing a portion of an hour works. Of course, I might be reading it wrong, but I'm reading 1.7 pm as "one-seven p.m.", similar to 1:07 (one-o-seven p.m.) 3d
ImperfectCJ I got my info about point notation from Wikipedia, but no light shed on the lack of a zero before a single-digit minute: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_and_time_notation_in_the_United_Kingdom 3d
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TieDyeDude Ah, yeah, I was just looking at 1.7, but 1.48 seems overly complicated for measuring amounts of time. I can't really find anything else. I'd be curious if the print version of the book has the same notation... 3d
ImperfectCJ @TieDyeDude Style guides online for various UK entities (Oxford University Press, The Times, The Guardian) use the point format for the 12-hour clock (i.e., 1.48 pm), so I feel confident that the overall format is a UK thing, but that lack of a first zero is still a mystery. I suppose my initial hypothesis still stands, but I'd love actual evidence rather than just not having it proven wrong 3d
TieDyeDude 😁 🔎🧩 3d
julesG I agree with your hypothesis about it being pre-digital clocks. 3d
Faranae I've been looking through compositor's manuals, but I can't find any that deal with time tables or schedules. I know the point format has been in use in the UK since at least the 1840s (since that's the oldest compositor's manual I looked at) but none of them omit mentioning the 0s. On the other hand, decimilising time would be a very French Revolutionary thing to do, so even more unlikely (and really, really impractical). 2d
Faranae Having found the original print edition in PDF, I still don't know if it's *standard* or just how the character chooses to write the times, but in context it's fairly clear on the printed page that it's what we'd write as 1:07 2d
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The Five Red Herrings | Dorothy L. Sayers
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While it was pleasant to spend a couple of days with Netflix true crime shows, I am very glad that I have enough energy and focus to read a bit today! Although I'd read that the more recent strains aren't supposed to mess with your sense of smell as much, I'm definitely not able to smell or taste like usual. But with a teen just back from sleepaway camp, maybe it's not all bad that my sense of smell is diminished. 😂

Untitled | Unknown
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Interesting list! I've read 37 of these. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/books/best-books-21st-century.html

What do you think of the list? I wonder how different it would have been had The New York Times asked a different group of people, say, middle school English teachers or recreational crossword puzzle solvers?

They also talk about it on The Daily podcast, if you prefer listening to things like this.

Untitled | Unknown
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#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii

1) A date night with my spouse last Saturday.
2) Snuggle time with Silo on Sunday.
3) My spouse picked up the DVD of Pride and Prejudice, just in time for me to watch while isolating this week.
4) Two new plants arrived in the mail.
5) I saw a huge, beautiful mushroom on my brief morning walk.

dabbe #sweetsilo 🖤🐾🖤 7d
DebinHawaii Wonderful joys list! 💛💛💛 The P&P mini series is my comfort watch when I‘m sick or out of sorts! 💜 Thanks for sharing & helping spread the joy! 🤗 5d
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All Fours | Miranda July
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Day 3 of fever and fatigue and all the other fun stuff, and I need a change of pace. Which of these would be most likely to grab my wandering attention and divert me enough to forget both the nagging worry that I won't be able to come up with questions for the tagged for #CampToB by August 7 and that I won't be well enough to start teaching my class this coming Monday? Or maybe I should just binge-watch The Simpsons?

ImperfectCJ I also have The God of the Woods, which I bought this past Saturday because I'm incorrigible. 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you feel better soon ❤️‍🩹 1w
Jari-chan Get better soon! 🙏 When I'm sick I can barely read, so I'd binge watch the Simpsons 🤭 1w
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ImperfectCJ @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks! I'm at the grouchy stage, I think. 1w
ImperfectCJ @Jari-chan I like your reasoning. I'm at the stage where I have enough energy to want to do things, but not enough energy to do them for longer than about 10 minutes (at best) 1w
Mimi28 Can‘t go wrong with the Simpsons!! Get some rest also. I hope you feel better soon 🩷😊🫶🏽 1w
dabbe I'd binge watch, too. Keep the mind busy while the body rests and gets better. 🩵💙🩵 1w
Prairiegirl_reading I‘d also binge watch. 1w
Prairiegirl_reading I hope you feel better soon 1w
BarbaraBB Meg has come up with such great questions for #CampLitsy24; they‘ll inspire you for #CampToB! I hope you‘ll feel better soon. 1w
51 likes10 comments
The Angel of Indian Lake | Stephen Graham Jones
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I've enjoyed several of Stephen Graham Jones's novels, including the first in this trilogy, but the last few books of his that I've read have been kind of one-note and very drawn out. It feels like Jones has something he's working through, like these are successive drafts of the same story that could be incredible if edited together to demonstrate a clear character arc, but they're all published before they have a chance to reach completion.

ImperfectCJ And why is Stephen King's name also on the edition I read? I don't get it. 1w
ImperfectCJ Photo: The lake at Wachusett Meadow in Massachusetts, another place with a complicated history with the original human inhabitants, circa 2013. 1w
ImperfectCJ Update: I just re-listened to the closing of the audiobook, and Stephen King voiced one of the characters. I thought I might have recognized his voice, but I'm not as quick as I flatter myself that I usually am (COVID brain is real. Or maybe it's just three days of fever and being stuck in my bedroom). 1w
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Faranae @ImperfectCJ I can't help but think Stephen King's name is there because that's the perfect description of King's books too: “could have been edited to half as long, successive drafts of the same story he's working through“.

The truth is that King is on the audiobook and Jones has made the tactically brilliant decision to hitch his career to King https://bloody-disgusting.com/books/3803617/exclusive-stephen-king-to-feature-in...
Faranae Okay, ignore the timestamps, I hit sent and it took that long to send. 😂 1w
ImperfectCJ @Faranae Ha! Yes, the app has been a little funny! I figured it out in the interim, and I agree...fricking brilliant for Jones to get King's name attached to his novels. I feel sad, though, because Jones really is an impressive writer (I loved Mongrels, Chainsaw, The Only Good Indians), and something hasn't quite worked in his past several books. I hope he finds a way to access the full power of his storytelling abilities again. 1w
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1w
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Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy are helping me through my illness. And my spouse is pleased that quarantining means that I'm watching it by myself.(He was not impressed with the Jane Eyre movie a couple of weeks ago. Can you believe that I married a person who doesn't know the difference between Mr Darcy and Mr Rochester?)

Susanita I hope you feel better soon. 1w
ImperfectCJ @Susanita Thank you! I was hoping to use this week to relax, but this wasn't quite what I had in mind. I guess I need to be more specific with my wishes in the future :-) 1w
LiteraryinLawrence Great use of your recovery time BUT I hope you feel better soon! 1w
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The Angel of Indian Lake | Stephen Graham Jones
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This is my view of my too-hot tea and overly ambitious (and dangerous in an earthquake) book stack as I quarantine myself from the rest of my household with my very first bout of COVID. While so far it's not as bad as when I've had the flu, it's not fun and it's definitely good that I've avoided it for the past 4+ years. I'm achy and energy-less so I'm listening to the tagged on audio while pitifully scrolling on my phone.

Ruthiella Wishing you a speedy recovery! I came down with Covid for the first time in this last June, despite being vaccinated. 1w
Deblovestoread Wishing you a speedy recovery! 1w
ImperfectCJ @Ruthiella I can't remember how many vaccine doses I've had (4? 5?), but either I waited too long for the next booster or it was just the luck of the draw, I have it now. I think I caught it while on a 2-hour delay on the tarmac for my flight home last week. Hopefully my seat on the aisle helped me block all of the virus from getting to my kids (they're big kids, but I'd rather be the only one who gets sick). Kicking myself for not masking up! 1w
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ImperfectCJ @Deblovestoread Thank you! I really have no idea what to expect but hoping for a mild case 🤞 1w
Librarybelle Wishing you a speedy recovery! 1w
dabbe So sorry to read this! Stay hydrated, RELAX, and feel better soon! 💙🩵💙 1w
ImperfectCJ @dabbe Thank you! I'm feeling strangely weepy right now, so I guess I need to make sure to drink more fluids to make up for the fluid lost with that 🙂 1w
dabbe @ImperfectCJ I say weep away! Do what you need to do to get well! 🤗🤗🤗 1w
BarbaraBB Take care! I hope you‘ll feel better soon 🍀 1w
TheBookgeekFrau Get well soon💕 1w
curiouserandcurioser @ImperfectCJ hope you feel better❤ 1w
Suet624 Weeping is in the air. Everyone I know is weepy. 😊 curl up and sleep and weep and read. 1w
41 likes13 comments
A Single Man: A Novel | Christopher Isherwood
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My 14yo found a book by Gore Vidal that he enjoyed in a used bookstore while we were traveling last week. We brought it home with us, and he took it with him to camp to finish. The day he left for camp, I picked up this novel and saw it was dedicated to Gore Vidal, which isn't actually significant but feels like it is. That's kind of how this book is: so many small moments in an apparently ordinary day that resonate with meaning for George.

ImperfectCJ Photo: Silo living his best life. 2w
PuddleJumper 😻😻 2w
Ruthiella Lap cats in the summer can be difficult! 🥵 But you two have worked it out. 😻😻😻 2w
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kspenmoll Your kitty! 😻 2w
cariashley 😻 aww 2w
dabbe #sleepysilo 🖤🐾🖤 1w
57 likes6 comments
Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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"I thought Agatha Christie wrote murder mysteries?" my spouse asked when I summarized the plot of this one.

"Sure, but she also wrote novels about international intrigue, and this is one of those."

I'm not a fan of the "international intrigue" novels, but I do enjoy getting a glimpse of what people thought about things in the times they were happening, especially since there are so many parallels with the present. This one offered that.

ImperfectCJ Photo: Self-portrait in the ceiling of the restroom of a bar with a spaceship theme (crash-landed on a hostile planet, making the most of the situation by turning the ship into a bar). It would be disorienting to work there. 2w
Faranae I would not want to be on that bar's cleaning staff. 😂 2w
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The Five Red Herrings | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Home from traveling and at the hair salon getting the boy-teen cleaned up for camp and a really cool musical performance opportunity that came up for him. This is such a busy summer, just one thing after the next! It's nice but tiring.

In other news: The dialect in this novel is really slowing me down. The interactions are clearly funny, but I feel like the sloth from Zootopia with how long it takes me to get the jokes.

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Untitled | Unknown
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1. Hiking! Preferably at higher altitude and/or northern locations so it's cooler. If the hiking is part of a road trip, even better! I love flying then taking road trips!

2. I actually get very little reading done on vacation. I need something that grabs my attention because I'm often exhausted by the time I get the chance to read.

@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday

TheSpineView Cooler weather sounds divine! Thanks for playing 2w
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Planet Word | J. P. Davidson
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The magical library---with its intricate voice-activated dioramas of scenes from literature, and desks on which unfold a multi-media experience when a book is set down just so upon them---is just one of many awesome word-oriented exhibits at Planet Word in Washington, DC. We had such a blast there! If you're in town, I highly recommend visiting. (Their gift shop is also extremely tempting, and the cafe downstairs is delicious.)

Bookwormjillk I‘ve never heard of this. I will have to check it out! 3w
Clare-Dragonfly Wow, what? Why have I never heard of this?! I‘m right in between Baltimore and DC. 3w
ImperfectCJ @Bookwormjillk @Clare-Dragonfly My friend from high school told me about it! It's such a sweet place, in an historic building on 13th and K NW. Its website didn't prepare me for how cool it is! https://planetwordmuseum.org/ 2w
Bookwormjillk @ImperfectCJ cool! I have a planned museum day coming up. I‘ll add this to my list. 2w
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Capitol Hill Books | Washington, DC (Bookstore)
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Another bookstore on my travels! This one has a lot of used books, and I needed way more time (and room in my luggage) than I had to really make the most of my visit.

(Can you tell where I used Magic Eraser to edit out people I didn't know?)

Ruthiella Your photo editing skills are amazing! 3w
ImperfectCJ @Ruthiella Well, thanks! But I have to give credit to Google and their photo app. If I were really good, I'd be able to get rid of shadows, too. :-) 3w
Cuilin Ghost shadows. You could have a lot of fun with that photo app. 3w
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage The shadows add character, like who is this ghost interested in the bookstore? 👻 3w
charl08 Glad to see this is still there, I visited (I think)about 15 years ago! 3w
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East City Bookshop | Washington, DC (Bookstore)
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Second bookshop of this trip, but the first I got a decent photo of! Thanks to @wanderinglynn for the recommendation! I got my dad a birthday present there (then confused him by handing it to him two weeks before his birthday). This is such a sweet shop! Very browsable and super-friendly staff.

wanderinglynn Yay! I love East City. ❤️ So glad it worked out for you. 3w
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The Five Red Herrings | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Travel day! Spent the 5+ hours on the plane trying to nap then giving up and watching Amelie, and now I'm trying to get some reading in on the hour-long train ride. The train is not nearly as air conditioned as I expected it to be. 🥵

ImperfectCJ Update: Between the swaying, the jerky stops and starts, and the heat, I couldn't read on the train without feeling ill. One last chance before bed! 3w
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I like to keep track of California wildfires while we're traveling and as my second-born prepares for camp (we saw one large fire and one small fire in the past two weeks, and now I'm on edge). This picture from the CalFire incident map isn't of the precise areas of concern for us right now, but it made me think of the title of the tagged book.

AmyG Things are crazy in CA. I just hope people remain safe. 3w
dabbe Keeping everyone in CA in my thoughts. Stay safe. 💙💚💙 3w
Roary47 Wow. 😢 3w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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July #bookspinbingo card, ready to go!

In retrospect, I should have assigned the chunkster Palo Alto to two spots. I might fix that to give myself some encouragement as I'm not quite halfway through the 28-hour audiobook. The book is...comprehensive.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Fantastic month!! And I am all about splitting up those chunkster/heavy books! 3w
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Untitled | Unknown
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No bingo for June, but I did finish my #bookspin (but not the #doublespin, even though my fatigued brain led me to outline that title as though I'd finished it).
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 3w
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Taking down, washing, drying, and putting back up our curtains (well, our landlord's curtains) while listening to the tagged book. I'm really liking it! (Both the cleaning and the audiobook, but more the latter than the former.)

All Fours | Miranda July
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This is a complicated pick for me. I really enjoyed Part 1 and Part 2, I liked Part 3 a lot (except the last paragraph...major eye roll), and I pretty much hated Part 4. I love what July has to say about aging in a female body, about the challenges of intimacy and breaking out of ingrained patterns of behavior that separate us, about trauma and how poorly our culture deals with it. The things I disliked are more specific and spoilery. #CampLitsy24

ImperfectCJ Now to come up with questions for #CampToB discussion I'm leading in August! I'm looking forward to hearing opinions about this one, both here with #CampLitsy24 and on the ToB site. 4w
RaeLovesToRead I was all over the place with this book too 4w
ImperfectCJ @RaeLovesToRead I thought about your review when I finished it and asked myself, "Would I recommend this to anyone?" and realized that I probably wouldn't. Well, maybe one friend. But not my spouse. I had him read Wellness... similar themes, different conclusion. 4w
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Untitled | Unknown
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#bookspin list for July! I might switch some of these out depending on when things come in on hold. I'm traveling the first part of July, so I'm trying to get ebook and audiobook versions of some of the books I have on my physical shelves so I can take them on my phone/Kobo and have plenty to read without having to pay for an extra bag to carry all of my books (and so I have room to buy some at new-to-me bookstores). 📚📚📚🧳🧳🧳

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4w
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Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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Despite the feeling of being a tourist or anthropologist reading about close-knit familial relationships and the a-little-too-extended ending, I really enjoyed this novel. I love the flow of Phillips's writing, and the way the characters veer along their poorly chosen paths had me reading with my hands over my eyes (figuratively). #CampLitsy24

BarbaraBB This is the first review of this book I come upon. It sounds good! So glad we‘ve chosen it for #CampLitsy24! 1mo
ImperfectCJ @BarbaraBB I got the audiobook on preorder through libro.fm, and I couldn't wait to start it. I definitely enjoyed it, and I'm interested to see what comes up in the discussion (although I have trouble following discussions in comments so I tend not to comment). 1mo
Megabooks Very excited for this! Glad to see a positive review! 4w
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Untitled | Unknown
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I've seen 50/140 of these, which is more than I expected as I haven't watched a lot of new movies during the past 10 years. The pandemic shutdown helped, though. 👍

Three faves:
1) Spiderman: Homecoming
2) Thor: Ragnarok
3) Rogue One

@dabbe #TLT #ThreeListThursday

dabbe Haven't seen any of your faves. They're now on my TBW list! And, you kicked my sorry 🫏! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
ImperfectCJ @dabbe If it hadn't been for my kids, my score would have been a lot lower. I wouldn't have seen Frozen or Puss in Boots (or most of the Marvel movies) without their influence. Barbie, though...I would have seen that regardless. And I probably would have seen the Star Wars movies, too. 1mo
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Strong Poison | Dorothy L. Sayers
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I admit, the mystery in this one was a little tough for me to follow at times. This isn't a bad thing, though, as it's due to the intricacy with which Sayers writes her plots. Plus, the mystery was less important to me in this one than the relationships between the characters, especially since I read a later book in the series and know where some of them are headed. And I just love Miss Climpson!

Photo of a delicious (mild) poison.

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This book is much different than I expected it to be (in a very good way). Instead of being a self-help time management book, it's more like an exploration of existentialist philosophy and how we can open up our lives to greater possibility by realizing and embracing the finite amount of time we each have on this planet. I borrowed it through Libby, but I'm ordering a copy to own and read through again.

Photo: Spotted towhee on a coastal hike

Tamra Gorgeous! 1mo
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Strong Poison | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Apt photo to go with the tagged book (although I guess jellyfish would be more "strong venom" than "strong poison"). Still sneaking in a few minutes of reading each evening once the adventures are done for the day.

Purpleness Ooo, I love moon jellies! 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly Moon jellies! 😍🪼 Is that the Baltimore Aquarium? 1mo
ImperfectCJ @Clare-Dragonfly Monterey Bay Aquarium. They have a fantastic jellies exhibit. I've not been to the Baltimore Aquarium yet. 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly They have a similar round window to look at the moon jellies at the Baltimore Aquarium! How fun. My husband lived in Monterey as a kid and keeps saying we should go back with our kid. 1mo
ImperfectCJ @Clare-Dragonfly I lived there as a kid, too, when my dad was at the Naval Postgraduate School, but that was before the aquarium. I've been back a few times. This was the second trip with my elder kid and the first for my younger (they're both adult-sized now). 1mo
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Aspirational home library. This could double as my dining room and living room, so unlike William Randolph Hearst, I wouldn't need the other 114 rooms and three cottages, just this room, a couple of bedrooms, a bathroom or two, and a kitchen. Totally reasonable, IMO.

Tamra 😍 totally reasonable. 1mo
BarbaraJean This was my favorite room when I toured Hearst Castle!! 1mo
ImperfectCJ @BarbaraJean I like it better than the library for the guests, but I would settle for either, if I had to. 1mo
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BarbaraJean “Settle” 😂😂 1mo
UwannaPublishme 😍😍😍 1mo
charl08 Yes, if I don't have to clean... 1mo
PuddleJumper 😂😂 1mo
ImperfectCJ @charl08 Exactly! 1mo
Gissy 😍 1mo
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Strong Poison | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Back with another vacation pic from the second stop on our road trip: a soaring turkey vulture. We were hoping to see a California condor, but no such luck this time. We did get to hike along cliffs and through a cave, though, and that rocked. And I even made some progress on the tagged book!

The Cabins of Mineral King | Jana Botkin, Jane Coughran
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I'm spending most of my time the past few days walking among giants. When I'm not hiking or playing LOTR Trivial Pursuit with the family, I'm perusing The Cabins of Wilsonia, the follow-up to the tagged book that's not in the database.

Andrea313 So gorgeous! And LOTR Trivial Pursuit is a favorite. 😂 Enjoy! 1mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Chain-Gang All-Stars: A Novel | Adjei-Brenyah, Nana K
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Although occasionally the message overpowers the story, and there are a couple of minor characters I'm not sure are necessary, overall this is a powerful story powerfully told. It's like Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow as a novel. The ending gave me chills.

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"Because children grow up, we think a child's purpose is to grow up...But a child's purpose is to be a child. Nature doesn't disdain what only lives for a day. It pours the whole of itself into each moment... Life's bounty is in its flow. Later is too late."

Untitled | Unknown
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82/100 Not too shabby!

Three of my faves from the list:
1) The Sixth Sense
2) The Matrix
3) The Silence of the Lambs

And three faves not on the list:
1) Office Space
2) Slingblade
3) The Spitfire Grill

Edited to add The Big Lebowski, one of the best movies of all time!

#ThreeListThursday #TLT @dabbe

dabbe The dude didn't make the list! How could he not! #thedudeabides Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I figured out when I saw David Sedaris live in Raleigh in the late 90s or early aughts that hearing him read his essays is probably the best way to experience them, so although I will read his books in print from time to time, I prefer the audiobook versions. Sedaris is a little the curmudgeon in these essays, but he's self-consciously so, which works. As usual, the essays are hilarious, poignant, or squirm-inducing (and sometimes all three).

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I alternated between the print book and audiobook on this one. I really like it on a word-and-sentence level, and the imagery is vivid, which I love, but the overall meaning eludes me. This is possibly the point, but it also makes the novel a little too slippery. I still love Oyeyemi's writing, but this one doesn't quite hit for me.

Untitled | Unknown
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The drawing for my 100K #ClearMyShelves Giveaway is complete!

Thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate by entering the giveaway, by sharing the giveaway posts, and by leaving sweet comments!

Winners: I'm tagging you individually in the comments, along with the books that will be heading your way shortly. I'll email you when your book is on the way, but if you have questions/concerns in the meantime, please email or leave me a comment!

See All 22 Comments
dabbe #woohoo! Thanks, and congratulations again! 💙💚💙 2mo
LiteraryinLawrence Whoa, thanks! I never win things! 2mo
Susanita Sweet! Thanks! 2mo
TheQuietQuill Wow, thank you so much! 🥰 2mo
Cupcake12 Wow! A nice surprise to wake up to. Thank you so much 😊 2mo
JackOBotts Wow! Thanks! 🙌🏼 2mo
Meshell1313 Oooh how exciting!!!! Thank you soo much! 🎉🥰 2mo
emz711 Whoo hoo! Can't wait 1mo
JackOBotts Death Valley arrived today! Thanks! 1mo
ImperfectCJ @JackOBotts Hooray! Thank you for letting me know! 1mo
Cupcake12 My book mail arrived today ❤️📕 1mo
ImperfectCJ @Cupcake12 Awesome! 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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My first time playing #5JoysFriday!

☀️ My firstborn came home from college for the summer, and we immediately went on a family hike and saw blooming thistles.

☀️ This morning, the dew revealed dozens of spider webs on the hill behind our house.

☀️ Camille demonstrated how to lounge.

☀️ I made dangerously yummy granola.


Roary47 Making granola sounds yummy. 😍 2mo
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 What is it about spiderwebs 🕸️ 🤍in the dew?! So pretty! I‘m so glad you joined in—thank you for spreading the joy! 🤗 2mo
kspenmoll I love your list! 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Just about 24 hours left until the drawing for my #ClearMyShelves Giveaway!

I'm celebrating my 5-Year Litsyversary and 100,000 Litfluence by holding a drawing for ten gently read books (mostly hardcovers)! Drawing will be on Friday, June 7.

Enter and share!


Questions? Let me know in the comments!

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The ending of this one was, frankly, alarming. But aside from that alarm and the fact that the mystery is convoluted, and the moral seems almost to be "trust no one," I liked the novel overall. I really appreciate how Wimsey seems like just a silly guy, but he's actually empathetic and kind and complex. It's his character (and Sayers's style) that keeps me reading this series. I just hope this kind of ending doesn't happen often.

ImperfectCJ I probably should have said the ending was "unpleasant" to match the title, but while it was that, the alarmingness of it struck me more than the unpleasantness. 2mo
rubyslippersreads Is that the new Kobo Libra Colour? 2mo
ImperfectCJ @rubyslippersreads Yes! It was my Mother's Day gift. I very much like it. I have a Kobo Libra H2O that I've loved for a few years, and even aside from the color thing, this one feels more gentle on my eyes, and the case is more rounded and comfortable to hold. Not that the other is uncomfortable or tough on my eyes, this one is just "even better" 2mo
rwmg Do you find yourself using the stylus much?
ImperfectCJ @rwmg I use it pretty regularly, but I feel like I could use it more, especially for the ability to color code. On this book, I used it to keep track of characters and clues. There's a notebook function that I find myself using to take notes more often than I would have expected to. The handwriting-to-text function is decent, but I more often just write things without converting it to text. (Kind of a stream-of-consciousness review.) 2mo
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I got 86/100, thanks to my parents having the cable movie channels during most of the 1980s.

Three enduring faves:
1) Ghostbusters
2) Steel Magnolias
3) Ferris Bueller's Day Off

But I have fond memories of SO many more (especially 9 to 5, Airplane, Terms of Endearment, and Mr. Mom. And I was with neighbors watching Octopussy at the theater while my brother was being born.)

#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

dabbe Just like songs, movies can take us to an exact moment in our lives. STEEL MAGNOLIAS! 😭 Thanks for sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Amiable I cry during the cemetery scene every single time! 2mo
ImperfectCJ @dabbe @Amiable It's my catharsis movie...If I need a good cry, I watch Steel Magnolias or Terms of Endearment and feel much better afterward. I'm so well conditioned, I actually start crying during the opening credits and just continue at different intensities throughout. My kids find it intriguing to watch me. 2mo
dabbe @ImperfectCJ I would join you in this much-needed-and-dear club, but we'd have to add THE WAY WE WERE (even though that was 1973). 😭😂🤩 2mo
Amiable @ImperfectCJ @dabbe I‘d also have to add “Field of Dreams”— the game of catch with Dad and “No, Ray, it was YOU” gets my tear ducts flowing every time! 2mo
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Just two more days until the drawing for my #ClearMyShelves Giveaway!

I'm celebrating my 5-Year Litsyversary and 100,000 Litfluence by holding a drawing for ten gently read books (mostly hardcovers)! Drawing will be on Friday, June 7.

Enter and share!


Questions? Let me know in the comments!

ImperfectCJ And when I say "gently read," I mean some of these I bought and then ended up listening to the audiobook, so they're essentially new. 2mo
wanderinglynn What a fantastic idea! And happy Litsyversary! 🎉🥳 2mo
mcctrish @ImperfectCJ I laughed out loud at your ‘gently used‘ description- this is the year I have given myself permission to listen to books I have on my shelves ( especially the non-fiction) of that‘s how I will enjoy them 2mo
ImperfectCJ @mcctrish It works well when I want to regift books. :-) I also have started really enjoying the back-and-forth method (switching between audiobook and print). 2mo
Cupcake12 Such a great idea 🌟 2mo
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Audiocooking (granola, chicken, Brussels sprouts, NOT all mixed together) to the tagged book, which is leaving me feeling a little drunk and a lot like I need to visit Prague.

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Today is devoted to trying to get the second page of this tune under my fingers and maybe starting to think about dynamics and style rather than just panicking about notes. Therefore, this is my entry for #TuesdayTunes: https://spotify.link/hslnv4k49Jb


TieDyeDude Good luck! Thanks for sharing the Spotify link 2mo
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I love how consistently Miss Marple is underestimated because of her appearance and gender. If she weren't a goodie, I bet she'd make a great murderer. This one has some overlap in detail with the Sayers novel I'm reading right now, so I got confused a couple of times about which clues went with which story. Once I got it straight, though, this was a pleasant listen.

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Just a reminder about my #ClearMyShelves Giveaway!

I'm celebrating my 5-Year Litsyversary and 100,000 Litfluence by holding a drawing for ten gently read books! Drawing will be on Friday, June 7.

To see the offered books (mostly hardcovers) and enter: https://forms.gle/NxzqAKwMKFPSgu33A

Questions? Let me know in the comments!

dabbe Thanks for such a generous drawing, and congrats! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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My somewhat moody (thanks to the sunlight) June #bookspinbingo card.

I don't have any predictions for how my month in reading is going to proceed. I guess I'll figure it out as I go.


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks fantastic!! 2mo
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Update on my 100K #ClearMyShelves Giveaway: After doing more research into international shipping of books from the US, I am thrilled to announce that this giveaway is now international! (The only exception is countries where USPS international service is currently suspended.)

So if you're interested in entering the drawing for one of these 10 books, fill out the Google form by June 7, 2024: https://forms.gle/EebWf6hXY9jvR7FN9

Texreader Is there an affordable way to send it internationally? I‘d love to do this! 2mo
ImperfectCJ @Texreader Sending just a book isn't too bad. I'm not sure it's "affordable" to do often, but since it's likely going to be a while before I hit 200K, I figure I can splurge this time. I'll likely use pirateship.com and save a bit sending USPS. And hopefully not *everyone* who wins the drawing is outside the US. :-) 2mo
Texreader Pirateship? I‘ll have to check it out! Thanks!! 2mo
Gissy Congratulations 🥳📚🎉📚🎉 2mo
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