A plot that is near to mental madness. The struggle for life, the meaning of existence are the real themes of this book. The science-fiction genre is only the shortest long way for the transmission of this research of meaning. To read!
I've loved this novel. It's weird, dark and very psicological. It's also a weight travel into the degradation of human because of drugs. There are lots of religious reference, most of them ravings, but the work is crossed by a deep, even if weak, vein of hope. The final dedication to his friend is touching.
Another Dick's work, made famous by "Blade runner" movie. Very interesting and well written, but with an ending without "solution": no hero no teaching. A Dick's sign. To be read!
To read! Love, sense of pain, courage and truth. A boy that become a man for relationship with friends, parents, teacher and love girl.
This book is simply amazing. I have read it during a single day and it seduces me. Loneliness, love, sense of life, the fear of the stranger. A book to read!!
An amazing book..it has various levels: from a child'story to a subtil research of how we search and find sense of life and of community. To read!
The first book of trilogy is simply amazing. A world new and strange, misterious events, interesting characters. The two other books are well-written like the first, but the story become more and more an allegory of a message (materialistic and atheist): the story lose its consistency. But: to read!
I've read only the novel "The wish house". A powerful dialogue about the sense of life and the value of pain. And also the danger of the will of master events and people.
The "Secretum" is a diary written like a dialogue between Francesco and Saint Augustine in front of the Truth. The object of dialogue? The incapability for Petrarca to take a decision about the "first Good" of his life. Plesaure, honour or the stability of the Soul when founded in God?
Very clear expecially on the idea of nature after the quantum theory.
Nice! A diary of a z-war paying attention on its birth, development and possible end. The struggle for surviving, strategies and tacticts. Read it!
Sublime poetry: the love and the holy sonnets too. A rare example of formal perfection, the final result of an obsessive research on words. A deep and intense perception of love, life and religious search.
An amazing story. The fight between two men that have opposite ideas, but a same love of Truth. Fight, love & friendship!
An incredible book! Science-fiction, but the real theme is Good and evil and their fight.
Wonderful book! A strange kind of science-fiction with large philosophical and theological elements for our thinking. You can't stop reading it after beginning!