Found all these #TomClancy Books in good condition in a box on the side of the road. #netforce #optcenter #jackryan
Found all these #TomClancy Books in good condition in a box on the side of the road. #netforce #optcenter #jackryan
Who doesn't like a Bad Boy MC Book?!?! I mean Dayum!😱😍 Spring needs to get here soon! This snow needs to go away.
10:30pm yes late night dinner! With a cozy mystery. Really good chapter's are short though. Who murdered Victoria? What was the motive? I'll let you all know when I'm finished. 🤓😱📖 So here a update... Just couldn't get into the book... But everyone is different.
Snowy Days... School Cancellations... Chaos in the house with 4 kids! 😱 Yaasss a mystery indeed! Plots and twists leaves you on the edge of your seat wanting more by chapter 3!🤓 you know I don't watch much T.V. So this is how I get my mysteries/crime.
Put together my own reading challenge. What's yours? #booklife #challenge Did you make your own challenge or use one already made? Ounce done with mine, I'm going to try a different challenge. What challenge catches your excitement? Happy Reading! @OneClickRomance what's your challenge for the new year or to get stared
Was I supposed to save them for santa 🎅? Reading The Polar Express!
The pit was only twenty feet from the where the channel curved inland, wrapping around behind the camp. He singled to Brodie. He'd let the guard make his next round, watch the activity for awhile.
One of many to Kat Martin's Series "Against Series" page Turner's Lesve you on the edge of your seat wanting more! Good night for coffee and chocolate and a good Book!
Finished the book, now off for coffee and the Morning News! I started reading in the middle of the series, just realized. Is there a first book to Alex Cross? Should probably look later this weekend.
The crazy thing is I already read the series. Now there coming out with movies.. Nope refuse to see it, for the matter mojatity of the time the movies are nothing like the books. #darktower #bookjunkie