I decided on Kite Runner. Ignore the stains on my book, it‘s pretty old. Perfect day to sit outside and read.
I decided on Kite Runner. Ignore the stains on my book, it‘s pretty old. Perfect day to sit outside and read.
I lost this amongst unpacking...of course, I was right in the middle of it. I admitted defeat and started reading new books. Now I‘m in the middle of Kite Runner and of course I find it again. Do I continue this book or finish Kite Runner? The choices...
I started reading this in high school, but never finished it. I‘m excited to work through it now as an adult (it‘s even the same copy from high school). This will be book 3/169 on my book bucket list. What other books should I add?
I was hesitant at first to read it, but I am so glad I did. Especially with what is going on in the world today, it was enlightening to see where we have come from to where we are today. We still have a ways to go. Amazing story and it‘s definitely one I‘d read again!
“Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I‘d have the facts.” This quote really spoke to me during these times. So many opinions, so many judgements, remove them and you stand with what really needs to be known. #tokillamockingbird #quotes
I finally found time post opening back up my business to read. I am starting with the first book on my “Reading Bucket List” and I‘m pretty nervous and excited. I somehow managed to not read this in high school, but I keep hearing it‘s amazing. We shall see...