I cannot put this book down. And this a rare occurrence.
I cannot put this book down. And this a rare occurrence.
"I would like to ask that we begin to dream about and plan for a different world."
Molly Crabapple is a fucking force, a prophet, a treasure.
This is the kind of book where you ask pretty please to stay in the car to read while your partner does the grocery shopping. It's solid and stoic and excellent.
No need for frills or to decorate this photo. Dillard is everything I want to read, and has the spine I strive for as a writer.
Just started and am loving this book. Each line is delicious and unique and lyrical. The author is just as lovely.
Perfect for island living.
"A self-mythologizing takes place when we assimilate the stories of our ancestors into our own--it's automatic." --Alex Mar, in the latest issue of the Oxford American
Kids in bed, dogs chewing bones, this book is refreshing my sanity and my spirit.