A pre Christmas gift for me from the Hubby
Currently reading. I really must remember to update here more often 😊
A bit of a mess sadly. I really did not like the art at all and I thought the story was all over the place. The dialogue was stilted and wooden and the characters had no character. Not everything needs a Lovecraft version.
Currently just over half way through this and I can't decide if there really are aliens 👽 or if we're seeing a mental decline in Courtney
Excuse the language but this book grabs you by the balls from page one and doesn't let go!
Currently reading
I read this book in one sitting, I could not put it down. The dual stories suck you right in and I didn't want to surface until I knew what had happened.
I read The Promise in two sittings and I would have done it in one if I didn't have to be sensible and sleep in the middle. I did not want to put it down and I thought about it when I wasn't reading it, I was that drawn into the story!
For my full review check out my blog, link in bio
I have high hopes for this! Starting today so fingers crossed.
Ok this book was strange and all in all, pretty much nothing happened. I'll be reviewing this book in full soon on my blog.
So disappointed with this. It started off so well but just went downhill. A full review will be up on my blog soon.
Currently reading this. Thoroughly enjoying it so far!
The title story was good, but the rest of the short stories were not very interesting and I missed the point of a couple of them
This book made sure I was looking behind me all the while reading it!