I love my new Kindle Oasis! I can‘t wait to read the next Kennedy Fox book on it!!!!! Happy New Year!
I love my new Kindle Oasis! I can‘t wait to read the next Kennedy Fox book on it!!!!! Happy New Year!
My current read on this lazy dreary Sunday! I'm more than halfway through! #BooksAndRain #CoffeeAddict #WeOwnTonight #CorinneMichaels #ARC #AdvancedReadersCopy #ReleasingSept7th #BookBeau #KindleVoyage #NightOwlReads #BookBlogger #BetaReader #Reviewer #BookLover #BookWorm #BookNerd
I read a total of 5 books this month and they were all great reads! Let's hope August is just as successful!
Super excited to start these!
Any bloggers out there?! Have you signed up yet? I sure did right away! #EastonIsAlmostHere
This is Dangerous by Kennedy Fox is LIVE!!!!!
A week from Friday I will be in Salem! I can't wait!!!!
I had a great lazy Sunday! #TheCozyLife #MikesHard #Sunshine #ThisIsDangerous #KennedyFox #ARC #KindleVoyage
Have you guys seen the new cover for Pretty New Doll by Ker Dukey and K. Webster?! I am super excited for this summer release!
This is Dangerous is well on its way! We have less than 3 weeks! I can't freaking wait!!!!
I can't wait for another day trip to Boston! An hour and a half and I'll be there! #Boston #Bookstore
#Throwback to when I discovered Kennedy Fox! #OhTravis #ThisIsWar #TBT