It's unfortunate that Duffy's art is so...boring, because Duffy's transcription of Butler's prose is excellent.
It's unfortunate that Duffy's art is so...boring, because Duffy's transcription of Butler's prose is excellent.
X-Men? Fantastic Four? The Incredibles? Well, The Joneses is a little of all the above, floundering in its own mediocrity.
Want to read a hyper-violent, ultra vulgar male power fantasy where the protag gets taught how to have sex (properly) by Halle Berry? (I didn't.)
The father reminds me of the dad in cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Aya, the graphic novel came out in 2007, while the aforementioned movie came out in 2009.
In case you're like me and you wonder what literatures will remember the trauma that was the post-Obama presidency, this book captures that sentiment with perfection.
The disillusionment of belief in White Jesus the Colonizer, Confederate, Gadsden, and blue lives matter flags appearing interchangeably, and the irreparable erosion of reason...it's all here.
But then, there's hope that there ARE some decent folk out there, and they have kids.
Something else ppl should know. The text font is not always appropriate for the material. Sometimes too small, as if scanned to .pdf.
Happens most frequently toward the beginning.
A CRT concept being that laws changed to benefit African Americans [only] when white Americans benefit is the kind of truth that makes [them] rage against CRT
I didn't like it like I thought I would.
It coveys a lot of different types of blackness, but not that much I could relate to outside of BLM.
A very OKAY book, or rather, collection of novellas.
Drawn similarly to the graphic novel adaptation of Kindred, I think that outside of experimenting with how Laura endures her hyperempathy, this book feels like the Sparknotes version of one of Butler's best works.
It was interesting to gain an idea of what Gilead looks like visually (without investing precious time to the TV show).
Eerie, yet strangely does not manage to capture the horror I imagined with the novel.
I skipped the afterward, believing it to be extraneous to the text, rather than a meta-narrative. Will update when I have corrected my mistake.
Once Shori meets her father, the details of how Butler's world of vampires begins to resemble too much like the houses in the Patternmaster series. I did not recognize this the first time I read Fledgling because I had yet to read the Patternmaster books.
Dipping my toe into theology for the first time in a decade.
Well, so far so good. I am IN after the first chapter!
I am pleased that Angie Thomas was able to recover from the stereotypical Gangster's Paradise that was On the Come Up, and write something that is not only imaginable, but also unprecedented?
Who else has written a novel about a teenage single father?
Takes 100 pages to get to the big plot-defining moment in the novel, then another 70 pages to really get good. The book would have been better with less teen angst and getting to what drives the narrative sooner.
Was not expecting this book to be written completely in dialect--AAVE. Takes a minute of reading to get in the groove.
Before his inauguration, Obama call TD Jakes a good friend.
a few pages before he was talking about how he wasn't in with all the big money....
Lol @ Obama conceding that McCain nominating Sarah Palin as VP was the jolt that gave his opponent's campaign energy.
That's a low bar.