I came across this article during my lunch break. It‘s a look at President Obama‘s book lists. I can‘t wait for his summer list.
I came across this article during my lunch break. It‘s a look at President Obama‘s book lists. I can‘t wait for his summer list.
Maybe it's because I'm not familiar with American government/politics but it seems to get really technical and takes away from his overall story. However it is well written and entertaining in large parts. Some chapters are real page turners which is a credit to his storytelling. A smarter person than me probably would have loved this book.
I finished three books in March and they were all good, but this one, read by Obama, is really special.
#12Booksof2021 #February @Andrew65
Only took me 3 months to finish. Started back when first came out and while I was enjoying, I set aside for Happy Holiday Reads. Picked back up at the 1st of February for President's Day. Swapped between Audible and Kindle.
Learned some things like the fact that we have Aaron Burr to thank for mess of The Filibuster. But my favorite parts were when he talked of Michelle and the girls.
My semester is finally over, 1 more to go. A month till the next semester starts. Although I need to continue to work on my thesis so I can defend in a few months. Happy to be done with classes & having time to read something other than papers.
I finally finished this audiobook 😵💫 It was actually great. I appreciated the care and deliberation President Obama seemed to put into each decision he outlined in the book. To be honest after everything we‘ve been through since March 2020 I was kind of nostalgic for some of the crises he talked about here. I can‘t wait for volume 2.
In this massive bio, Barack tells of his political career leading up to his historic win as the first Black American President, what his presidency was like. In early pages, he says he‘s been told he talks too much. (Is that why the book‘s so big)? I‘ve always loved him. My parents told me not to vote for him, at all costs—because he was the anti-christ. 🙄 Sad that Trump was his successor, but Barack will always remain in our hearts! #44🇺🇸🖤
Audio & Book. Lengthy discussion of 44‘s Presidency from his POV. Not necessarily a biography, but more of a presidential memoir and extended diary/explanation of events. Audio was better than reading the highly detailed account, it helped stay focused & retain more of the writer‘s story. Lots about the Middle East, war, early to mid 2000s, etc. Volume 1 of 2. Definitely try the audio! It‘s ~23 hours 🤣 #nonfiction #politics #audiobook #history
Always an interesting list
(From Obama's Twitter)
Don‘t read many political memoirs. Do read biographies, history & politcally oriented books. I loved Michelle‘s book so thought I‘d listen to Barack‘s. A thumbs up, but good God on the length—the first of 3 volumes! I appreciated hearing his thoughts on race & his Presidency—an issue too fraught with minefields for him to address when he was in office. Working in the conservation field and politics, it was an interesting trip down memory lane.
Finally finished this 29 hour delight of an audiobook. The political discussion and behind the scenes storyline was fascinating but my favorite parts were the stories of his family where his love for his Mom, grandparents, daughters and Michelle shined through. He is such a intelligent man with a good heart; even he made mistakes as all president ma do, something he acknowledged, his thoughtful perspective and love of country were clear. So good!
A PROMISE LAND Is a riveting, and thoughtful memoir written by a consummate storyteller. This is a beautifully written and much needed documentary and retrospective of the of first three years of Obama‘s presidency. https://www.bluestockingreviews.com/post/the-promise-land
Okay Barack. I love your voice but it‘s 29 hours. I will need to put this on 1.25 or I will never get it done before the due date....
March was a good reading month in terms of books and pages. I‘ve travel through the history of Georgia with some inspiring women, I‘ve observed a family grappling with mental illness, tracked dinosaur bones across Mongolia to Florida, places myself within geological time, read inspiring poetry and played detective alongside the author to reveal the life of London‘s first female detective. And of course Obama ♥️ #marchwrapup
Reading Envy Podcast Episode 216 - Eloquent and Elegant with Kala
Kala and Jenny meet again about a year after our previous conversation to chat about books we've read lately, from presidential memoirs to romance to books that haven't had enough attention. We tackle backlogs and bookstacks along the way.
A terrific and also an interesting memoir on Obama‘s campaign and first years as president. It has me rethinking. I love how he reads this on audio and I love how he carefully works everything through, explaining his reasoning. I was kind of surprised how much he did accomplish that I hadn‘t paid attention to. But I found it especially insightful to learn his thoughts on why he didn‘t do some things I really wanted him to do.
Registered! Thank you Barnes and Noble!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - this is the first presidential autobiography that I‘ve read and will most likely read Obama‘s sequel. It was an eye opening read and she‘d like on the trials and hardship that comes with the title of ‘President‘. Very well written but, potentially due to being about American politics, some parts of the book and the details described were lost on me. It was still a very good read though and will recommend to friends and family.
I loved reading President Obama‘s memories & thoughts on his campaign & his first term. He writes very much the way he speaks: if he narrates the audiobook, I bet it is a real pleasure - except that I have a personal difficulty in listening to such a long book even though I read a longer book with no difficulty. It will be interesting to read his thoughts on the second term.
Audio baking this evening - loving a chapter In print then a chapter on audio!
Ps.. the cats need a bigger box! #catsoflitsy
????? " Whatever you do won't be enough, I heard their voices say. Try anyway"
Absolutely fascinating memoir from President Obama that I think probably only just scratches the surface in giving some perspective on what it is like juggling the politics of the USA. I think what struck me most is what a genuinely good man he seems to be, the challenges and opposition faced with even the best intentions and just how supportive Michelle was.
I might only get two books finished next month - one fiction and one non fiction but they do have combined page count in excess of 1,500 pages! #chunksterlove
Alternating the tagged book in print and audio - never done this before and it‘s an experience I like ..... means I can get a chapter under my belt whilst cleaning ( although though Bunk & May are resisting giving up the box!).
Difference a week makes. Got out today worked in my garden and catching up on audio books. Not sure if I'll finish this by end of the month but making progress. 33% done. Favorite parts are when he talks of Michelle & the girls.
"and my wife beaming down from the upper gallery in her sleeveless dress (that was when the cult of Michelle‘s arms truly took off)"
#presidentialreading ?
The first of two planned memoirs covers his rise as an Illinois Senator through his election as president up to the killing of Osama bin Laden. The book is well-written, full of detail but also full of the optimism and hope that swept him into office. The book is at its best when he describes what it is like to be president, to live at the White House, to raise a family and be under constant public scrutiny.
What a wonderful insight to an incredible man, and a presidency that will go down in history as one of the best. Great read.
“there was the unsettling fact that, despite whatever my mother might claim, the bullies, cheats, and self-promoters seemed to be doing quite well, while those she considered good and decent people seemed to get screwed an awful lot.”
Alright, day four without chaos and now I‘m so ready for this. About to start.
Today‘s the day to make a start on this ♥️
A readathon! Yay! My only goal is to make serious progress on the tagged chunkster which I‘m picking up at the library today.
Thanks for the tag @Eggs
@Andrew65 #JoyousJanuary
Happy Friday! what are you reading this weekend? Please share! #readingisfun #readitloveit #findinggreatreads
This just reck my January reading plan. 😍😍😍
8. Charismatic - Can't think of anyone that this word fits better.
So happy.
Happy Epiphany! We cleaned, blessed, & smudged our home so that all who dwell or enter within will find peace, love, & harmony. We were also glued to the news. My plan was to read this gift, which I purchased, wrapped, & gave to myself. Still watching the Electoral College Count livestream, so reading doesn‘t seem likely.
Before his inauguration, Obama call TD Jakes a good friend.
a few pages before he was talking about how he wasn't in with all the big money....
Lol @ Obama conceding that McCain nominating Sarah Palin as VP was the jolt that gave his opponent's campaign energy.
That's a low bar.
1. I probably won't finish it but I'm really looking forward to starting Barack Obama's new book in January! (Tagged)
2. I regret not reaching my goal of 50 books for the year but it's been a hell of a year for everyone so moving on!
I invite anyone who wants to share, to play along 🤗
@TheSpineView thanks for the tag @Read-y_Picker
My husband ordered these and the last one arrived today. Here‘s what he got me for Christmas. I‘m not one for reading political books, but I‘m not unhappy with these choices. I can‘t wait to begin reading them.
I enjoyed listening to his voice, but I wanted more. My favorite part was when he talked about Trump, but he was way too nice imo.
“Do we care to match the reality of America to its ideals? If so, do we really believe that our notions of self-government and individual freedom, equality of opportunity and equality before the law, apply to everybody? Or are we instead committed, in practice if not in statute, to reserving those things for a privileged few?”
I expected Obama‘s explanation of events during his presidency to become tedious. I‘m glad I was wrong.
Fantastic audiobook! I‘m not particularly interested in politics, but I found most of this book fascinating. Obama does a great job of explaining the challenges he faced during his first term as President and I enjoyed hearing his thought process behind the decisions he made. This book highlights how much of a thoughtful, articulate, and just genuinely good person he is. I‘m looking forward to reading the second volume when it is published! 4⭐️
I really enjoyed the first volume of President Obama‘s memoir. There is a lot of detail surrounding events from 2004-2011, some of it new and interesting. I found myself fighting feelings of nostalgia too. At some points, reading the book felt like watching the West Wing; seductively comforting and unreal in way (given the last 4 years). I cannot wait to read volume two. I hope Obama is able to make sense of events post-2012. He‘d be the first.
Thank you soooo much @rsteve388 and @Clwojick I think I‘m going for the tagged book! #nfn2020