March's #TBR pile 📚🤓
Emma Flint's Little Deaths was utterly compelling. Now onto this...
Hariet 'Ari' Appleton is not dirt but clay. A child moulded from hate, cruelty, and neglect yet, she's... spectacular. Her astounding resilience, gifts (of which there are many), and imagination sustain her and all who meet her. This book! The prose, the lyrical quality of each magical sentence, the... oh you know what, just read it. I doubt you'll be disappointed. It's glorious.
Intrigued to see what Vol.2 brings...
I can always rely on Wally, and Joyce [Carol Oates]) for that literary slice of Americana. This one centres around a sixty-year-old film professor who is visited by the ghost of a silent movie actress. I have a feeling I'll like it, especially given the dedication...