The man fishes. The dog sleeps. I read.
The man fishes. The dog sleeps. I read.
Because I like my coffee black (like my soul) and BuzzFeed's quizzes are law - this is my new TBR.
A highly successful kick off meeting of the MBC. I think we all agreed that "Life on the Road" is well written, thought provoking, and, at it's heart, a sweet ode to Gloria Steinhem's life and her goal to make people turn to their neighbor and have an honest conversation. Good discussion, good company, and good food. See everyone on March 26th for Caitlin Moran's "How to Build a Girl"!
Speaking of book club - Gloria Steinem quotes an Alice Walker poem "Revolutionary Petunias" in her book. This line resonated with me so much that I find myself thinking about it randomly during the day. I'd like to think we are Revolutionary Petunias in our own way. ??
Once I finish my book club book I have a pretty long list of "To Reads" to tackle!!! I'm gonna need that coffee ☕️