I feel like everybody reads highbrow books and i do I'm sure but every now and again i like to read a pulpy novel and this spinoff of the aliens franchise totally counts!. I've read afew of these and they always hit my sweet spot folks 😁😁
I feel like everybody reads highbrow books and i do I'm sure but every now and again i like to read a pulpy novel and this spinoff of the aliens franchise totally counts!. I've read afew of these and they always hit my sweet spot folks 😁😁
Seen the movie many many times since i was a kid and it just freaked me out it's time as an adult to read the source let's see how it compares 🍷🐑🤐
Ok so the cover is lame but i dig anything about sharks and this is either gonna cure my fear of the sea or strengthen it 🦈🦈 let's see 😳
Love this part even though I've enjoyed the book it means i can start a new book very soon 😛😬
I've just started this because lee child said i should "immediately".