Te first few chapters were safe, and after If These Walls Could Scream I bailed on the book because that chapter was unsafe. My sister did more research and found additional chapters were unsafe. I‘d stick with Darcy Coates.
Te first few chapters were safe, and after If These Walls Could Scream I bailed on the book because that chapter was unsafe. My sister did more research and found additional chapters were unsafe. I‘d stick with Darcy Coates.
This book literally starts with a child killing another child from a fight over a pair of dice. It gets worse. Achilles in greek mythology was supposed to be a hero. He refused to protect someone that he should of and does nsfw things, so I bailed on this book.
I was heartbroken after what I found in the beginning of this book. Percy compared a band playing at school to the sound of animal abuse. I cannot and will not finish this series. All he had to do was say that Percy hated the music, but his comparison to animal abuse ruined his series that I would have finished.
I found this book to be really depressing and overrated. Holden hates everything and everyone, and he screws his life up one mistake after another, but didn‘t feel sorry for him. I read this book for school and got rid of it.
The cover of this book looks cute, and the beginning is cute, then Olive fake dates her professor, and after that Olive‘s profesor forces her into marriage and has se* with her that she doesn‘t want. Don‘t buy this pornography book!
This whole book is a pro slavery and anti people of color propaganda! This depicts slaves being happy, inhuman and deserving of punishment. My mom is an accountant for a library, and she heard this book was a donation and said that the book was shredded and rightfully so.
The main character‘s (Victoria Jones) anger problems made me dislike her. I read spoilers which say that she becomes a mother, and I was angry about it to the point where I bailed on this book. I predicted she will be an abusive mother, so I couldn‘t finish this book.
I made the mistake of buying books 1-4, and I hated it. Claire is forced into marriage, and there was no love anywhere. This isn‘t romance fiction. It‘s one sad thing after another. They executed a child for stealing, and after more misery, I decided on returning the books. It‘s too sad, so I couldn‘t finish the book.