I'll be at the Bronx Book Festival this weekend, talking setting and HIPSTER DEATH RATTLE.
I'll be at the Bronx Book Festival this weekend, talking setting and HIPSTER DEATH RATTLE.
I‘ll be at CrimeCONN Saturday, May 18, at the Ferguson Library in Stamford, CT, moderating a panel on “Excitable Lawyers” with the exciting Marjorie Drake, Connie Hambley, and Charles Salzberg. I'll be signing & selling copies of HIPSTER DEATH RATTLE.
An enjoyable thriller that didn't get the attention it deserved when it came out.
A lot of contemporary books like to call themselves "noir," but that's just marketing. Most modern novels dubbing themselves "noir" are really hard-boiled or gothic. Rule of thumb: If it's a serial character like a private eye or amateur sleuth, it ain't noir. Can't be. But this, this beautiful book of gutter-high characters and pervading doom, this is noir. A must-read. #noir #noirfiction
An exciting, fast-moving read. In a future Manhattan, literally divided, the rich live 5 floors above the poor, who are secretly chemically sterilized. Poor Watley just wants a baby and in order to afford the antiprophies to have one, he rents his body for a night -- a rich person's mind is downloaded into him and allowed to "slum it" for an evening. But when that person commits murder, Watley must find out whodunnit. Highly recommended!
In her poetry, Niederkorn nimbly dissects grammar, #teacherlife, and the fragility of human relationships, often observing these things from the perspective of the road.
A strong voice, a solid plot, and complex characters. One of the best current crime fiction books I've read in a while, the POV here is about something, not just out for a kicks and bullets.
"To Tony, community board meetings in Williamsburg played out like professional wrestling matches: an uninterrupted series of chest-thumping, sleeper holds, and foregone conclusions. Amid the free-for-alls over affordable rents, new developments, and zoning, and cage matches over club licenses and liquor licenses, everyone understood ahead of time that the tag teams of developers and their political lackeys were going to walk away with the belt."