Really enjoyed the insight into “what might have been” if these ten elections had resulted in a win for the opponent. A light, historical read. 10/10
The house was dead, and the fields were dead; but this truck was the active thing, the living principle. The ancient Hudson, with bent and scarred radiator screen, with grease in dusty lobules at the worn edges of every moving part, with hub caps gone and caps of red dust in their places—this was the new hearth, the living center of the family; half passenger
car and half truck, high-sided and clumsy.
As someone working through grief from, I have found so many relatable moments in “Kitchen”. Grief is a fluid shapeshifter, now numbness, now change, now a void. This quote from “Kitchen” will stay with me: “An irresistible shift had put the past behind me. I had
recoiled in a daze; all I could do was react weakly. But it was not I who was doing the shifting—on the contrary. For me everything had been agony.”