#7777giveaway My last 5 star read was The Power by Naomi Alderman. This book was so powerful (pun intended) that I started to look at the world differently when I wasn't reading it. It has the unique characteristic of being both important and a page-turner.
It's not just a feminist book for women, because it introduces some important points about how the one in power has the same traits, just for being in power. Regardless of gender.
My favorite holiday book! #giveawayholidays
Intriguing story about Carolyn Jessop‘s escape from polygamy. I‘m always a sucker for cult stories. #giveawayrealtalk
All of these came in to my library at once so I guess I know what I'm doing for a while!
"The worst thing about the Internet... Was that it was now impossible to distinguish a roomful of people working diligently from a roomful of people taking the What-Kind-Of-Dog-Am-I? online personality quiz."
This is still true
This has been on my list for a while so I decided to get the audio. I love the narrator!!
'I only recognize one class' proclaimed Leggatt, 'namely, the working class, who produce all the wealth of the world, and are therefore the only useful class, and the only class entitled to ride.' It seems sentiments were similar in 1894.
I thought I'd give this a try. Been on my bookshelf for years!
I listened to this one on audio. It's hard to rate non-fiction but I will say that it made me reconsider what I'm eating a lot, so I will say it was successful.
Currently reading instead of studying because this book has sucked me in!
Just started this and its alternately making me hungry and sickened.