Thought this was an okay book overall, but I was really interested in the similarities to Avatar (or the other way around), so I made a little video discussing that. Enjoy!
Thought this was an okay book overall, but I was really interested in the similarities to Avatar (or the other way around), so I made a little video discussing that. Enjoy!
A little project I made a while back comparing film various film adaptations of books. Who did LOTR better? (Jackson v Bakshi)
Having finished reading my fifth book this year, I‘ve decided to release my first vlog! I‘ll be posting another after I‘ve read the next five books, and hopefully reach 100 by the end of the year! If you have time please check it out and like, share, and subscribe! Thanks 😊📚 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5_x-DwFliJ0
Liked it overall, but it really shows that this was the first in the long series in Discworld. The book was a bit aimless at times, but I understand that Pratchett needed room to grow, and it was the start of a great saga, even if it was a bit of a rocky one IMO.
Wonderful and unique book! I liked it equally as Wonderstruck, but if you‘re into a more fanciful story and have the same love of the movies as I do, than you‘ll probably enjoy this one a bit more.
Fantastic book for children and people of any age. A mature and whimsical mystery spanning fifty years, using a unique novel/graphic novel hybrid format! Brian Selznick is an absolute genius!
My first Terry Pratchett and definitely not the last! A funny and absurd satire of the music industry and mythologizing of celebrity and a sweet parable on Death and love.
I just read this for the first time and absolutely loved it!😊 I‘d heard it was a kids book, but I really don‘t think it‘s fair to put it in any age range; it‘s a rare truly universal book.
It‘s a simple episodic story of a tiny Hobbit named Bilbo going on an adventure that can connect with readers of any age.
A little slow in the beginning, but more than redeems itself in the end.