Have you read this book? Your thoughts on it? #bookblog #hoteliris #bookish #booklover
Have you read this book? Your thoughts on it? #bookblog #hoteliris #bookish #booklover
What happens when you are a part of a group you don't want to be? Quincy is tagged as one of the final girls as she survives a mass massacre...life seems to get back to normal but will it remain so even after the death of Lisa, another final girl?
#finalgirls #rileysager
'So many books, such little time...'
A translated piece of work about a man who works at the palace. His job- to torture his master's enemies. About 50 pages into the book and that's some powerful writing there !
How many questions have you answered ? How many hearts have you consoled ? How many souls have found comfort amidst your pages?
Old, tattered, with smudged words, and pages eaten by time and nature. How many hands have traced your words looking for hope, looking for release?
As time flies by, you may turn to dust, to torn flaky pages, but oh the stories you hold, stories that will scatter away with the wind..