One of my all-time favorites, and one of the first books to make me think that I might want to be a writer.
One of my all-time favorites, and one of the first books to make me think that I might want to be a writer.
It wasn't perfect, but I got most of what I wanted, and her writing is just so damn pretty. 4.5/5
I love Six of Crows so much (and LB in general so much) that I decided it was time to check out the Grisha trilogy! ✨
Complicated feelings about this one. Some nice writing and memorable characters, but there's a journal-writing device I found tedious, and the ending -- though fair -- wasn't my particular cup of tea. 3/5
i just love it so muuuuuch. if you have the time, i HIGHLY recommend the audiobook, narrated beautifully by everyone's hero, future (P)EGOT winner Lin-Manuel Miranda.