Imperative question marks!
I've been restless these days and Adam Silvera's book turns out to be the best thing to stir me up.
Maybe I'm not actually so selfless - maybe not telling her [I am dying] is really selfish, but I can't bring myself to do it, because how do you tell your best friend you won't be around tomorrow?
A must read. Enormously good story of humanism, different cultures, political and family systems and sexualities wrapped up in an epic sci-fi travel adventure.
I was not ready for how good that book is and I can't wait to reach for the second book.
A big RECOMMEND from me. 👏
Magic - √
Evil & Oppressors - √
Revolution - √
Nothing is what it seems - √
Surprises at every turn - √
It's obviously the perfect getaway I needed and I recommend it for both teenagers and adults.
His use of the word "she" makes me flinch. He said it so confidently, like I would only ever want to kiss girls. I know that's not the case, and that wanting to kiss another boy is perfectly normal, but he doesn't seem to know that.
The Nice gay meets the Bad gay and they both fight for the love (of the Smarty pants)?
Include a conspiracy and killer robots, mix with teenage angst and good action and you've got yourself YA for a day. 'Cos you'll read it even in less.
A YA that jokes with the YA genre? Pass it on!
If there's one thing I learned from my dad leaving my mom, it's that love isn't a choice. You fall for the person, not their chromosomes.
Screw that gender essentialism bullshit. Men have as much of a right to care about clothes as women. Girls can like sports and cars and guns too. So why does it even matter if you identify as a girl, a boy, or as neither.
Gosh, it's so nice to actually start YA book with Homecoming and not finish it there dramaticaly.
I really am glad we talk now. It's just hard to forget it took a trip to the emergency room.
"Listen to me." Her hand squeezed my leg hard enough that the pain broke through the fog of my meds. When she spoke next, I listened. "Anything, anyone, is better than dead son."
I can not just ask Abby if she likes girls or not! What if she dooes not know? What if… I… Yeah. It's too much risk.
That is what I want to yell at every one who asks me for "Ash".
It's not just a fairy tail re-telling, it's incredible one.
The slow build of the story, the way it's written, the heroins and all the little details that made the stoey real… it's just the perfect mix.
I want to hug this book and not only that but I want to gift it to everyone and to never stop talking about it to anyone ready to listen.
When two young girls love each other what could possibly stop them? Unles, well, themselves?
Probably best to read at 14 so you can stick to the hopefull parts of it and ignore the drama.
Annie and Liza are every teen girl fallen in love with their best friend. They are every teen girl who felt excluded once realized what's diferent about them.
They are every girl in love with another girl that never wants to go out in the real world again.
While you and I seek love, there are people who try to be satisfied with just a few nights spent in the company of someone they trust. With no beautiful words whispered into the night and no promises of eternal love.
All these short stories keep trying to tell you just one thing - trans people are just people. They are afraid, they are hopefull, they are trying to make peacefull living and be happy the way they can.
40 years after being published for the first time, this book still strikes at a soft spot for every woman who refuses to just be a house wife.
The glass ceiling is pretty much still there, to be queer is often embarrasing and brings rejection and every now and then a lesbian hears the "you don't look like a lesbian" line.
Book is for every woman who had to show double the qualities a man had to to deserve a spot.
Nevertheless, she persisted.
Sweet story about lgbtq teen superheroes? Count me in and keep them coming!
The book is great as it is - written for the young audience, exploring the typical for the age insecurities and anxieties and with no unnecessary drama.
superheroes + school crushes + secret identities = mess and so much more!
It's funny, it'sweet, it's the necessary distraction from mandatory reading.
I am already waiting for the sequel.
A must read. I guess?
Not an easy book exploring hard times, hard people and hard love.
I'm no one to explain to you why you shoud read that book. The Pulitzer speaks for it enough.
But for me, as non-black, non-american person, was an interesting read and I think it's a must one for every one wanting to know what the times, the struggles and the people were (and at some places still are).
It's family drama, it's school struggles, it's a story for misfits.
It's the perfect book to give to a teenager to understand the constant feeling of not-fitting that every non-cis/non-hetero young person feels.
It's a book that should be in school libraries.
Lightly written but not over simplifying the explored theme.
It makes me happy this kind of books exist.