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Tell the Wind and Fire
Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
Sarah Rees Brennanwriteswith fine control and wit, andI suspect that word of this magical thriller will pass through the populace with the energy of wind, of fire. Gregory Maguire, author of "Wicked" and "Egg and Spoon" In a city divided between opulent luxury in the Light and fierce privations in the Dark, a determined young woman survives by guarding her secrets. Lucie Manette was born in the Dark half of the city, but careful manipulations won her a home in the Light, celebrity status, and a rich, loving boyfriend. Now she just wants to keep her head down, but her boyfriend has a dark secret of his own one involving an apparent stranger who is destitute and despised. Lucie alone knows the young men s deadly connection, and even as the knowledge leads her to make a grave mistake, she can trust no one with the truth. Blood and secrets alike spill out when revolution erupts. With both halves of the city burning, and mercy nowhere to be found, can Lucie save either boy or herself? Celebrated author Sarah Rees Brennan weaves a magical tale of romance and revolution, love and loss. "
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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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January book haul! I‘m super excited about these. Found a few at a used bookstore, won The Gilded Wolves in a giveaway from BookSparks(!) and the rest are from my inability to hold onto gift cards for very long when books are involved 😂 #bookhaul

Emilymdxn I read and loved Idaho, Milkman and Call Them By Their True Names - I really hope you like them! 6y
BeansPage Ooooo 😗 😍😍😍 6y
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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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The pacing of this book and the POV did not always work for me. But it built a cool world and I liked the main characters.

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Such an amazing #witchpleaseswap package! Thank you so so much. I keep finding more hidden treats inside of boxes. This was extremely fun to unpack.

monalyisha I had a ton of fun unpacking mine, too! Astute comment. 😄 Looks like you got some fab treats. Happy #WitchPleaseSwap! 🖤🔮 6y
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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan

Magic - √
Evil & Oppressors - √
Revolution - √
Nothing is what it seems - √
Surprises at every turn - √

It's obviously the perfect getaway I needed and I recommend it for both teenagers and adults.

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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God damn it I had to bail again. This one just makes me not escape reality when I want to. So even though the concept in and of itself was fresh and surprising, it just reduces me to a ball of nerves while thinking intermittently about real life, especially after recent events politically>.

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan

Would definitely read again.

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan

I just finished this book yesterday. Despite being a quick read, Rees Brennan packed quite a punch in this one. A retelling of A Tale of Two Cities, Wind and Fire explores both sides of revolutions and those who are caught in between.
Also there's magic and kissing.
#retelling #dickens #sarahreesbrennan

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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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TELL THE WIND AND FIRE by Sarah Rees Brennan is a dystopian YA fantasy retelling of Charles Dickens' A TALE OF TWO CITIES. While it's unlikely to satisfy YA purists, I found it a fascinating blend of genres.

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Omigosh I loved this book so much! Such a creepy inventive dystopian world. Really a big surprise for me. It's a loose retelling, but a powerful one. Stayed with me for days. This is a paranormal in a frightening future New York city.

Jennifermeaton @MelissaJCrispin it's soooooo good! Great examples of deep inner thought. (Maybe overdone at times, but still good) 8y
Jennifermeaton Oh! And there's an audio book @MelissaJCrispin 8y
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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan

This was one of the books that I read in about a day.

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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Who will you save when the cities burn?

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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan

Well shoot. I didn't expect this book to make me cry, but that ending packed a bit of a wallop. There were a few flat moments in the middle but no biggie. The characters could've been more fleshed out for this standalone but I liked them nonetheless, Carwyn was my fave. It was good and worth a read.

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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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That sounds about right. 😂

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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Hooked. I am so hooked. Intrigue just punched me in the face.

Lya Wow! 8y
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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Oh shoot! Only a few pages in and then this happens. That's one way to hook me. I now wanna know where this is gonna go.

Lya Tell me about this... I need to read this... *Itching aching* 8y
CaitlinSiem @Lya It's based on A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (which I have not read). It's about a girl named Lucie who has managed to move from the Dark side of the city to the Light. Lucie and her boyfriend Ethan get wrapped up in something with a stranger and it's trouble (25% in synopsis haha) 8y
CaitlinSiem @Lya but I'm really enjoying it so far! 8y
Lya It's already in my TBR... @CaitlinSiem ... I love trouble... 8y
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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Based on A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, which I have never read! 😅

DitrieMarieBowie A Tale of Two Cities has one of my favorite villains of all time. 8y
CaitlinSiem @DitrieMarieBowie And with that, I think I need to read it because I am always on the lookout for a great villain. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan A Tale of Two Cities is one of my favorite books so this one is getting bumped to the top of the TBR pile. 8y
CaitlinSiem @jpmcwisemorgan I think it'll be interesting to see my perspective as someone who never read AToTC compared to those who love AToTC. Also, I really really need to read it. A close friend just said it's one of her favorites too! 8y
Literati86 A Tale of Two Cities is one of two Dicken's novels I've ever actually enjoyed (the second was Great Expectations.) I'm buying this book tonight! 8y
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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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It's always fun finding your name in a book, especially when it's a beautiful sentence.

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Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Not perfect by any means, but there was enough that I did enjoy. 3.5/5

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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The dead drift away from us, like reflections in moving water, hardly seen before they are lost.

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan

I wasn't sure what to make of this. I love the two boys, but found Lucie too strident, too distant to create any sympathetic feelings toward her. Yet the ending was quite powerful, and I have loved all of Rees Brennan's earlier novels. I am mixed about this one.

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan

I‘m a force of nature too. You thought you were teaching me something else, to be something lesser. Try teaching fire to do anything but burn. It‘s time for you to learn better.”

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Slow start, slow middle.. Picks up in action about 2/3 in.

Tell the Wind and Fire | Sarah Rees Brennan
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I am halfway through this soon to be released Sarah Rees Brennan novel, and I am still not sure what I think of it.

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