ever since ive learned about the bisexual rep in this book, ive been so stoked to read it. has anyone read #ramonablue? did you like it? ✨
#juliemurphy #queerbooks #lgbtbooks #diversebooks #weneeddiversebooks #epicreads
ever since ive learned about the bisexual rep in this book, ive been so stoked to read it. has anyone read #ramonablue? did you like it? ✨
#juliemurphy #queerbooks #lgbtbooks #diversebooks #weneeddiversebooks #epicreads
okay. so i know this is like the ten billionth time ive talked about this book... but i finally finished it. and i freaking loved it, okay? it was diverse and beautiful and relatable and sincere in all the right places, and if youre looking for a summer book recommendation... you better pick this one up. 💕☀
if youve read both of becky albertalli's books, which is your favorite? 🙈
#theupsideofunrequited #lgbtbooks #lgbt #pride
hey guys! welcome to my first litsy post! im really looking forward to using this platform 💕 here's (one of) the book(s) im currently reading -- and absolutely loving. it is serious perfection, you guys.