Sadly, I think Mr. Mamet has forgotten his own words.
Some books you read and they just stick with you always. This is one of those books. Demonology is a chronicle of pretentiousness, full of words and sentences constructed to look insightful but which have little, if any, real meaning. If you're interested in the lives of pathetic, prep school twits, this is your book. Want a deeper truth? Look somewhere else. To paraphrase movie critic Roger Ebert: "I hated, hated, hated, hated this book."
A veritable celebration of traditional gender roles and cliched femininity. The nagging wife, the shrewish mother, the "free spirited" friend, the tomboy, the waif; they're all there. This book was a total embarrassment.
To be clear: I did not hate this book because Maggie is "annoying." She is annoying, but she is so precisely drawn you cannot help but give kudos to the author. It takes quite a bit of skill to find such nuance in a character.