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Lord of the Flies (Centenary)
Lord of the Flies (Centenary) | William Golding
The classic novel by William GoldingWith a new Introduction by Stephen King"To me "Lord of the Flies" has always represented what novels are for, what makes them indispensable." -Stephen KingGolding's classic, startling, and perennially bestselling portrait of human nature remains as provocative today as when it was first published. This beautiful new edition features French flaps and rough fronts, making it a must-have for fans of this seminal work. William Golding's compelling story about a group of very ordinary small boys marooned on a coral island has become a modern classic. At first it seems as though it is all going to be great fun; but the fun before long becomes furious and life on the island turns into a nightmare of panic and death. As ordinary standards of behaviour collapse, the whole world the boys know collapses with them the world of cricket and homework and adventure stories and another world is revealed beneath, primitive and terrible.Lord of the Flies remains as provocative today as when it was first published in 1954, igniting passionate debate with its startling, brutal portrait of human nature. Though critically acclaimed, it was largely ignored upon its initial publication. Yet soon it became a cult favorite among both students and literary critics who compared it to J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye in its influence on modern thought and literature.Labeled a parable, an allegory, a myth, a morality tale, a parody, a political treatise, even a vision of the apocalypse, Lord of the Flies has established itself as a true classic."
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 📚🙌🏻 2mo
Eggs Dramatic cover👏🏻👏🏻 2mo
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Lord of the Flies | Golding William
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August 11 #AboutABook ClassicYouRead I hated this book when I had to read it in grade school. Never wanted to read it again. @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Chrissyreadit Same. 2mo
Eggs 👍🏼📚😢 2mo
dabbe It was one of my least favorites to teach as well. 🫨 2mo
LiseWorks And yet I watched Yellowjackets lol @dabbe dabbe @Chrissyreadit @Eggs 2mo
dabbe @LiseWorks 😂🤩🤗 2mo
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!


RamsFan1963 I was doing a book a day posting, but the March got really hectic and I missed a couple of day. I'm planning to restart on Monday the first of April. 6mo
Octoberwoman @RamsFan1963 I miss days here and there! I always post in the evening since I‘m working by day and then come home to young grandkids but some nights just fly by and I realize the next day that I forgot. But oh well! 6mo
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I read this as a kid, but since MY high-schooler recently read it, I decided my 6th grader and I would also. As he said when we finished it, “that was a lot.” Also, the word “ululation” was used like 10 times in the last 15 pages; when my son asked me what it meant, I was happy to explain by demonstrating. 😂

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I really did not enjoy this at all. I finished because it is who I am, but this was not for me.

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Why is LoTF a great novel? Many will point to the symbolic aspects - how the tensions that emerge from the society of the boys mirror the wider world's lusts for power and violence. But for me, that's all icing, and the novel's true appeal is in how it handles the drama among its three leads. Their boyhood felt authentic to me - as they attempt leadership, they also battle fear and indecisiveness, and the suspense builds to unnerving levels.

Cinfhen Love your photo and thoughtful review! 1y
Billypar @Cinfhen Thanks! 🙂 1y
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#IslandVibe #Titlesandtunes
I was never assigned Lord of the Flies in school, but it's been a long-time resident on my shelf and one I'd been interested in trying. So this month's prompt is a great excuse, and I'm really enjoying it so far. I just finished the scene where they're feasting on pig meat, so I thought Jimmy Buffett's 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' might be a fitting song pairing (even if a hotdog theme would be even closer 🌭 🏝).

Leftcoastzen 👏😄 1y
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BarbaraBB Glad you found a reason to read Lord of the Flies, it‘s worth it! And I love the song you chose 🤣 1y
LeahBergen I read this in grade nine and loved it! 1y
vivastory I really enjoyed this one when I read it a couple of years ago and find myself thinking about it often 1y
Cinfhen So glad you found the opportunity to pick up this book!! Fantastic pairing 💙🐷 1y
batsy I loved this when I read it long ago! I've been scared to reread it because it was kind of like entering a particular world at the right time and you don't know if that world will stay the same when you go back 🙂 I hope you like it; you and I have the same theme for #IslandVibes because I read this one which I also recommend if you like Flies (though A High Wind is more sophisticated) 1y
Suet624 Read this for school and it put me off reading books. Such cruelty. 1y
Liz_M Another good continuation of the theme (and was written in reaction to LotF, I think?) is the tagged: 1y
Billypar @BarbaraBB Me too! The song checks the island and carnivore boxes but may be just a bit off tonally for the material - not sure it would fit on a LoTF film soundtrack 😅 1y
Billypar @LeahBergen With all of the questionable selections in the high school canon, this one seems like a better choice than most! 1y
Billypar @vivastory It's got such an intensity right from the start - I can definitely see it sticking with you. 1y
Billypar @Cinfhen I realized that the last one I just finished also took place on an island but definitely no island vibes in 19th century Sicily, lol (edited) 1y
Billypar @batsy I have so many old favorites in that category - I'd love to revisit them but fear disappointment. I remember considering A High Wind in Jamaica when I was trying to find possible picks for the nyrb club - I'll definitely have to check it out! 1y
Billypar @Suet624 I could see that! In most books, I think the leader would be more heroic and stick up for the boy getting picked on, but he's just another bully. 1y
Billypar @Liz_M That's quite a title - I stacked it. I like it when authors respond to a past novel but do more than just a simple retelling or modern update. 1y
Rissreads This book is one of my favourites! I read it at school then reread it not long ago. I‘m glad I did as there was so much I had forgotten. (edited) 1y
Billypar @Rissreads I honestly never realized how many people loved this book - I probably would have picked it up sooner if I had! 1y
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My boyfriend and I were at the pub last week, having some well needed time away from the kids. We started talking about our favourite books as kids. My favourite was always OF MICE AND MEN, and he said his was LORD OF THE FLIES, to which I responded with "oh, I never read that one." He then looked at me like I had two heads ?
This morning, I received a parcel which had this inside. Some people get flowers, I get books ??

CarolynM He‘s a keeper🥰 Although I‘m not at all sure about his taste in books😆 2y
jamield1911 @CarolynM haha 😄 I'm willing to give it a go! 2y
dabbe Hang on to the man! 🤣 My students LOVED this book, too. 😊 2y
jamield1911 @dabbe girls don't want diamonds. We want books (and chocolate) 🤣 2y
dabbe @jamield1993 If it's dark chocolate, I'm totally with you! 🤣❣️🤗 2y
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Every time I read this book, I enjoy it a little bit more. While I'm not sure my students got much out of it, I still find myself surprised by the lengths the boys in this book go to in order to survive and assert their dominance over the others.

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Lord of the Flies | Golding William

Excellent, must read

Lord of the Flies | Golding William
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Remember watching the movie in school many years ago so thought I should give a classic book a read.

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Another cool bookmark find I wished to share. I love how its reading the tagged book lol. Great design. Happy reading and weekend everyone 📚❤️📖 #gothic #bookmark #spider #reading

Cupcake12 So intricate x 2y
Gissy Unique!😍🕷🕸📚 2y
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Lord of the Flies | Golding William

It‘s a alright book with some good moments and it presents its themes effectively but it fails to make these moments more effective by developing the characters more. This is one of the problems of books like this where it almost feels like the author cares so much about the theme topic or message that a lot of other things feel lacking. 6-7/10 you should only pick it up if you‘ve some interest in what it covers otherwise find another read.

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Finished listening to the tagged book for a couple hours while doing a puzzle, and checked on our backyard 🙄 it will be fine, the hubs said. I‘ll remove the cushions, the hubs said. #itsnotfine #hedidnotremovethecushions #mandown #iknowitsnotthatbigadeal #hopefullytheworstthathappens #ianisdumb ##tropicalstormian #imfeelingwhiny #isurvivedsandy #thisisnothing

Ruthiella I‘d like to see #hedidnotremovethecushions become a meme or maybe a rallying cry! 😂 2y
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2y
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#OnThisDay in 1954 William Golding's Lord of the Flies was published. After being rejected by 21 publishers, the book was released to mediocre critical reviews and low sales. But over the next decade, critical and public acclaim grew and by the mid-60's the book was being taught in schools and had sold enough copies to allow Golding to leave his 20 year teaching career in favour of a full time writing life. #HistoryGetsLIT

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This is one classic that I did not enjoy when I read it in school (can‘t remember if it was MS or HS) and I didn‘t enjoy it this time around. It‘s just a no for me! It‘s kinda brutal but also boring, at least to me. But it‘s thought-provoking…would a group of kids, any kids, eventually descend into chaos and brutality if left on their own?

Got a really cute wooden bookmark out of it, thanks to the challenge book!

#bookspinbingo - free space

Ruthiella I found reading this book to be unpleasant. Maybe I‘m a wimp. 😂 2y
TheAromaofBooks I remember hating this book in high school. 😅 2y
OriginalCyn620 @Ruthiella @TheAromaofBooks I‘m glad I‘m not alone in this! 2y
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Saw this in the library and had the urge to re-read it. Had a break from work this week, so I settled in to read and didn‘t want to put the book down! It‘s been 8 or 9 years since I read it back in grade school and I had forgotten some of the details, so they struck me all over again.
As before, I found it an enjoyable and thought-provoking read!

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"The thing is — fear can't hurt you any more than a dream."

A sick little book indeed.

Lord of the Flies | Golding William
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The lord of the flies tells a story of a group@of boys who get stuck on an island. They first start with a semi-organized life but by themselves they eventually start to become more savage and brutal.
The theme of the book could be the struggle between living a peaceful and organized life and turning to primitive people
I quite liked the book as it had been quite deep and added some interesting perspective

MissYaremcio Thank you for the review Dylan! This post was on POV and so your mark is 4/6! If you have Ms. Omilon next year, you will be reading this novel for 20-1! 2y
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Before I begin with writing a review for the book, I would like to profusely thank @Reyzl for introducing this book to me, and yes, now that I have read this book I agree on that fact that there should be a play for this book.
Now, coming to the actual book review. I thought that this book was outstanding and completely breathtaking. In the past days, I hadn't had much time to read, but last night I read through it and it was amazing. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5!

Reyzl Woohoo!! 😍👏🏻 I knew that you would like it!! It‘s an amazing book, scary at times and disturbing, but it truly makes one reflect about human behaviour and social norms. (edited) 2y
Sharv_Sona @Reyzl Precisely! A truly reflective book, sprinkled with a bit of trauma! 2y
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I picked up this book in an effort to improve my knowledge and it did that . This book kept me at my toes but also disturbed me in many ways. However I do believe it is an accurate yet sad description of what would happen to people in the situation of being stranded on an island . #16 read an authors debut novel

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It feels like it‘s been ages since I‘ve read something other than my notes! Haven‘t had much time to read because it‘s the end of the school year and the tests are weighing down on us :( But I‘m glad that I‘m back to reading!

So excited to start this one! Also, thank you @Reyzl as you are the one who recommended this book to me! :)

Reyzl My pleasure!! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did @Sharv_Sona It‘s one of the books that I have more vivid images of. The way it is narrated and the characters‘ development transform the text into images in a unique way. Please, let me know when you finish it, and we can discuss it. (edited) 2y
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Lord of the Flies | Golding William


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#currentlisten on the way to Savannah! Read by the author.

Lord of the Flies | Golding William
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This one was just okay.

Jenken1998 This book freaked me out as a teen.. never been able to go back to it. 😆 2y
Auntynanny @Jenken1998 Have you read “Beauty Queens,“ by Libba Bray? It's been described as the female version of Lord of the Flies. It's really good! 2y
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I expected there to be memorable characters and there are - Simon, Ralph, Piggy, Roger, etc. - I don't think I expected some of the ethereal writing that I encountered. It made me wish I was reading the same author on different content

rwmg May I recommend "The Inheritors"? Neanderthals watch Cro-Magnons move into their territory. Personally, I prefer it to LOTF. 2y
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jimfields3 That‘s awesome! 2y
WJCintron 😂 😂 😂 2y
DGRachel Love it! 😂 2y
LindaLappin clever 2y
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More school reading- I haven't read this book since I chugged through it all in one day in high school in order to write my summer essay the day before school started. Reading it through an appreciative adult lens is already so much more enjoyable. Oh- and I have a puppy this time, too :-)

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Every time I read this book, I enjoy it a little bit more. While I'm not sure my students got much out of it, I still find myself surprised by the lengths the boys in this book go to in order to survive and assert their dominance over the others.

Alfoster I think they will later though. Mine always did after the fact. And I always had to explain to parents there wasn‘t cannibalism in the book!😳 3y
marleed When I first read this (back when we called them junior highs) there were no videos or access to R or even PG-13 rated visual content. I was horrified what happened in this book. Every reread (there‘s been several) brings me back to that junior high experience. 3y
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I‘ve always intended to read this. It was thought provoking.

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“Maybe there is a beast… maybe it's only us.”

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What happens when a group of young boys find themselves alone and stranded on a deserted island? How do they organise themselves without any adults? Can the innocence of childhood turn into pure violence?

A highly recommended read for any age and a dream of mine to do a theatre adaptation at school. What do you say @Sharv_Sona @Lovelylottereader and @AnnaSummer7 ?

Sharv_Sona This book had been on TBR for so long! I might read it soon! And about the play, I‘ll see if the student council can help, as we were generally planning a play, but don‘t hold your breath. :) 3y
Reyzl I love it and have read it twice! I also have the playscript and I was planning to do the play with 3B, in our first unit, but time did not allow. Let‘s talk at school with the other readers and we may get good ideas☺️ 3y
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vivastory 😂 😂 3y
Bklover Tee hee! 😅 3y
LeahBergen 🤣🤣 3y
TrishB 😂😂 3y
Bookzombie 😂😂 3y
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I must say this book kept shocking me, as it went on. Whether it contains the true nature of humankind or not, it makes a great story. It is interesting how different the characters respond to fear and uncertainty, which is something very real. Knowing that Golding had difficulties with his role in the war that just ended, lets us understand the plot better.
Nevertheless, even without all that, it's still a nice story. Would recommend!

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#FallTreasures Where to build the #Bonfire, and how to keep it going, are just a few of the things that Jack, Ralph, Piggy, and the other boys argue about.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Great choice!! 3y
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Lord of the Flies | Golding William
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The pig slaughter and the rawness of human emotions in this classic book haunted me. The existence of violence and assertion of power in some of the characters young heads bothered me. I had to pause reading several times, very vivid writing.

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Today‘s #LittensDressedinBlood prompt:

“Come little children”

This book I had to read in school came to mind. Horrible horrible children.

MidnightBookGirl This is legit. It's troubling, really, that they made us read this in school. One of the reasons I would never have gone on a plane trip with my classmates. 3y
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I'm really into Schitt's Creek right now 😂

smalldogs_bigbooks2419 I love Dan Levy, but I could not get into Schits Creek!! On a completely different note, the word thrice makes me think of my dad‘s dad who put me in my place when I got sassy with him and told him to stop making up words in the middle of a conversation 😂 3y
LiteraryinPA I love SC too! 3y
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Ben Santhosh
Lord of the Flies | Golding William
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I like the book a lot. Very interesting to read. The book made me think a lot after I read the book and still now. I would recommend reading this book to people who asks me.

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#SpringSentiments Day 13 @Eggs

One of my favorite books has an #Officious character, Jack.

Eggs Excellent choice 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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Why would they make kids read this in school? I‘ve been trying to read this book since early March. 100 pages in and I can‘t be asked to invest any more time to find out what these little pissants end up doing to Piggy. Bitch, bye. I‘m bailing.

Kris10H That is a stunning cover! 3y
marleed I read this in 7th grade. It was well before VCR‘s and we didn‘t even have cable so it was easily the most shocking thing I ever read. If my dad (single parent) knew I was reading it or it‘s impact, we might have read together. As it was - I was on my own - and gutted. ...In fact, sneaking The Exorcist a few months later for an overnight read was easy in comparison! 3y
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Scores from my building‘s book exchange from a while back.

Lord of the Flies | Golding William
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Jessieleah 🤣 3y
Aims42 LOL! 3y
Lcsmcat 😂 3y
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Bradleygirl 👌👌👌👌👌 3y
Reggie Lolol 3y
KathyWheeler 😄 3y
SamAnne Love this. 3y
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This is my third time reading and teaching this book, and I enjoy it a little more every time.