I saw this on @ejgbooknerd page and thought I needed to branch out.
I know I'm boring but yeah. Hello!
I saw this on @ejgbooknerd page and thought I needed to branch out.
I know I'm boring but yeah. Hello!
It took me a while to get into it, but when I finally did, it was a good ride. My thoughts are no where near as bad as Aza's, but the similarities did resonate with me.
Yes, I tried to rip off the sticker. There's gotta be a way to rip them off without the glue residue sticking.
I bought this book a few weeks ago while I was trying to read HBW&TEOTW.
It took me two months to finish this book. I usually really like Murakami, but I guess you can't like them all, and that's fine. Still want to try his new book.
Borrowed a book from the #library for tonight's trip to Tokyo.
It's shorter than I wish it was, but I enjoyed it. Finished it in one sitting. I think I read another of Yoshimoto's books years ago but can't remember what the name was.
Quite a nice book for a plane. I felt calm reading it. I cant pinpoint why though.
I spent so much time reading this my cat got a little jealous. He likes to sit on my books while I'm reading so he can have more if my attention.
I swear everytime they described the things inside the maze, my mind couldn't actually imagine it. Like what the hell were they?
I'm kind of curious as to what happens in the next book... I can bring myself to see the movie now that I've read it.
I remember I bought this book for a plane ride home from spending a year in Japan, but it didn't take me long to put it down and just watch movies. It took me a long while to read this. I found it to be too slow for me at most points.
It ended up not being my cup of tea.
The Trap was a little slow in places, but the plot was interesting and caught me off guard quite a few times. Ended up staying up until 2:30 am when it got to the ending.
If only this book was available back when I was a nerdy little high schooler. This book has brought back the love of baking to me with all its lovely ideas, and I'm having fun trying them out. I'd take a photo of the food, but I eat them too fast!