I really liked The Nix by Nate Hill. People are puzzles. If we approach people with curiousity instead of judgment the world would be a much better place. If you look closely, you can see a reflection of me in the book!
I really liked The Nix by Nate Hill. People are puzzles. If we approach people with curiousity instead of judgment the world would be a much better place. If you look closely, you can see a reflection of me in the book!
"The best way to feel like you really belong to a group is to invent another group to hate." Sebastian, p. 560
Haven't even reached page one and it's already heavy heavy!
"The picture will be posted to Facebook and Instagram... everyone tagged and commenting on a memory they haven't even really made yet."
The best way to read books!
Ordinary People! Book Club kicking it back to 1976. So much reference to the color blue.