I finally finished the third book of this series! The first 100+ pages were so slow that i almost couldnt get through it. After that it went fast and i was reminded of the fact that i love this book series!
I finally finished the third book of this series! The first 100+ pages were so slow that i almost couldnt get through it. After that it went fast and i was reminded of the fact that i love this book series!
Lets see if i can finally finish this book! The first 2 parts were amazing but i somehow have trouble getting into this one... #ransomriggs #missperegrineshomeforpeculiarchildren #libraryofsouls #reading #sunday #radio #delftsblauw #servies
The book was ok to read. Not great but also not bad. I liked it but the christian/god references sometimes were a bit much for me. I liked the caracters and the setting. I loved robin and her sisters, tony, barry, derrick and hank to. The story was romantic and realistic at the same time. It was a good read and i think i will read the other parts to. Or maybe not. I will see
Now i need to finish this book! #halleebridgeman #sapphireice #kobo #14%read
Wee een fantastisch boek van cassandra clare! Ik kende de wereld wel al een beetje door city of bones maar deze serie is net zo goed! Ik ship nu al Tessa & Jem & Tessa & Will. Vond het zo naar dat Nate zijn zus verraad & dat Agatha & Thomas het niet redden. Jessamine begrijp ik aan de ene kant wel & aan de andere kant ook niet. Charlotte & Hendry zijn gewoon schattig. Ook mag ik Magnus & Camile nu al
Reading in the bus on the way to work! #kobo #cassandraclare #ebook #bus