What my 2020 looked like!
What my 2020 looked like!
This book is apart of a duo. The other being called The Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (which I have not read yet).
Manly P Hall was a freemason who wrote a handful of books in his time, each steeped in occult symbolism and a historical belief system passed down through initates of the mysteries.
This book in particular is more of a dictionary than a book.
My favorite book, can read it over and over. Hits different before and after having children, too (page 17).
The Satanic Bible - Anton LaVey // Necronomicon, a tribute to Aleistar Crowley.
Read these two in my teens. Good to read together, and have been told not to read the Satanic Bible aloud, food for thought.
~ a couple years ago ~
This book is an inside look into the American government and its privately owned mercenary army Blackwater. Not a light read, and caution to some as the atrocities documented in this book are quite gruesome. What will you gain? A complete shift in perspective.
Read at the end of 2019. This book is printed in two authors names, both identical, one by Jonathan Black and the other by Mark Booth -- who are the same person.
I would probably classify this book in an "Occult history" section. Very good read, and if you like non-fiction books that you can stem research from, this ones for you.
Read at the beginning of 2020. This is one of the more fictional books I've read, but oddly enough can be related to our present reality all too much.
Three books from 2020.
The Kybalion - The Three Initiates
Cosmic Memory - Rudolf Steiner
Man: The Grand Symbol of the Mysteries - Manly P Hall
Read in the latter half of 2020. A good book to read along side the Bible.
Currently reading.
The first book I read in 2021, and one that has left a mark on my being. This book is life changing to say the least.