Wonderful book. Must read.
Wonderful book. Must read.
Nasal breathing saves lives....can save many.
Pluralistic Ignorance
We are all trapped by it.
For me English is a second language.
Just to come across such wonderful reasons behind simple words is amazing.
It's like going back to school again.
I picked this book in World book fair. I am glad that I did.
Most of the times these are inversely proportional
Power and kindness
Power and modesty
Best book of wisdom. Collection of stories, essays, quotes and poems with commentaries.
Late Dr APJ Kalam, former president of INDIA carried it with him every morning and read and reread it.
No other self help book comes closer to this one really helping us in day to day life. Real life stories set as examples for us.
I love philosophy. So I am inclined to suggest more books in this direction. This book by Alain De Botton is a masterpiece.
Reason - Its one of those books that makes philosophy practically useful in our daily life's.
Two books I rate high as daily morning reads for practical use in life
'Consolations of philosophy' and 'Light from many Lamps'.
Time and words won‘t be enough to describe the things that might surprise us. We know so little that we stumble into the trap of overconfidence, a pride of knowledge. Give time some opportunity to prove how much of a fool we are in the vastness of this universe.
What is magic? What is sun? Why do we have night and day?
Simple questions that need a big answers and when some one of the stature of Dawkins explains them it can be the best way to get the answers.
Listen to the audio book narrated by him and his wife. Its wonderful.
How can a simple sunny day can affect your emotions so much that we may end up doing something regrettable?
Best of the Absurdist nonchalance.
Loved it.
Its a small book.
It says in the title 'physics for everyday life'. Delivered the message as promised.
Better than a simple science book. Interesting read.
Consider it as a science book. Know better about our emotions. Why we do what we do and why others behave the way they do.
Intriguing fictional story of Sophie and the philosopher teacher that tells the history of philosophy in a elegant and easily understandable manner.
Anyone interested in diving into philosophy can start here with this book.
Most people, deep down are pretty decent.