This is absolutely adorable. 🖤
Manage your expectations if you decide to pick up this book. You won't find enchanting storytelling of Yuletife folk horrors to share around the fire nor will you find a thorough encyclopedia. You'll have to look elsewhere, as there is not even a bibliography. Instead, you'll read brief explanations and histories of these traditions.
The rest of my review:
You can read my book review on my blog here:
Released February 25, 2025
#HarvestOfHearts #AndreaEames
I just opened a #storygraph account. Let's be friends! My username is deathlorist.
@TheBookDream Come find me!
This was an interesting, enjoyable, quick read. There were a handful of debunked claims asserted about both the Bible and Pagan holidays. Townsend also limited his Pagan contributors and interviewees to those who are Wicca- and/or Druidry-aligned. I would have liked to hear from the voices of many other Paganisms.
1st, so far, this book is great.
2nd, TW for racist violence.
Read the highlighted quote about Waka Flocka Flame cancelling his show in 2014 for University of Oklahoma's Sigma Alpha Epsilon. WFF saw a video of two OU SAEs singing the quoted lynching song and, with good reason, was disgusted by it. MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski's quotation continues on the next page, "...he should be disgusted with himself." She's still on MSNBC. Fuck her.
I decorated my #kindle!
#ebooks #stickers #ebookreader
I read this in one sitting. This quote from her grandmother was striking to me.
"In life you'll meet a lot of jerks. If they hurt you, tell yourself that it's because they're stupid. That will help keep you from reactingbto their cruelty because therebis nothing worse than bitterness and vengeance... Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself."
Found this at a #bookstore in #Phoenix. Some #taphophile humor! It provided some much needed laughs. 🙃
Rebecca Burgess's journey of self-discovery is raw and honest. My partner and I both are asexual. Asexual representation is nearly nonexistent, so I gobbled up this graphic #memoir. All three of us, though, have very different experiences. I, for example, put on a hypersexual persona to shield myself from the church's slut-shaming after I was r*ped. We need more #asexual and #aromantic voices. When we can see ourselves, it can save lives.
These two books by Faina Lorah, one of which is a coloring book that describes Russian folk beasts, were found on Etsy. Both are #signed by the author, Faina Lorah, a Russian woman whose written voice is silky and who illustrates the tales beautifully. I'm looking forward to reading these grandmother's grandmother stories this December to my partner. #Krampus is coming to town.
Huuuuuge #bookhaul today because my #kindle #paperwhite signature edition (11th generation) was delivered today so essentially I have a whole ebook library book haul!
My partner and I also purchased two boxes full of books from an estate sale for $1 a book! #usedbooks
Also, I could not resist the opportunity to show off my new #Nintendo #GameBoy watch while letting a skeleton's hand do the talking about how this nerd feels today! 🤘
I've read the Gospel of Thomas before, but rereading it was rediscovery. This time I read it on sacred-texts.com instead of the physical copy lots to the depths of the guestroom. Most things are a rediscovery when your memory is shite. However, friends can tell and retell stories to me. I'll never call them out on repeating themselves (even the times I do remember). Please do repeat yourself!
Oh, review: The Gospel of Thomas is still a trip.
My doggo and a book that is a strange experience. As I'm back in college studying theatre with an emphasis on theatre tech of sound and lighting design, it was a nice break to read something of my own choosing. The author (or "authors" if you prefer) states that understanding the Kybalion is the "master key" to unlocking the nature and meaning of western occultism. So, perhaps I will be able to better understand other occult texts now. We'll see.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Ages 12 and up? Have they even read this play? Romeo & Juliet portrays mafia rivalries, murder, broken family bonds, sexual puns (I mean, this is Shakespeare after all haha), teenage suicide, and mortality in general. My opinion may surprise you, though. I argue that the real question is: are adults ready for these conversations? This is an opportunity to discuss sensitive topics with kids.
[Text limit. More in comments.]
Wow! I missed my six-year #Litsyversary! Considering I routinely go MIA (in all aspects of life), I feel like the six-year honor isn't fair to our more recent #Littens of the family. 😆
To be fair, I also have been doing all sorts of other things in life and reading books has fallen by the wayside or I'll pick one up then switch to another without finishing the first or I'm devouring other reading materials. Or YouTube and NHL, let's be real. 😆
Watching some cats and a buzzard/vulture (voiced by Neil Gaiman himself because of course he did).
@TheBookDream -- is this the sequel to night of a thousand cats? It even has a guy who collected an organ made of hair. He just needs a helicopter.
Did Neil Gaiman watch our truck stop movie?! 🤣
Best Hotels for #Littens (and other Book Lovers):
^photo from suitcasemag.com
Twelve Writing Workshops to Sign Up for Now
(except this was written in 2019, so things may have changed!):
Eight of the Best Bookshops in New York:
^img from suitcase mag
#PilgrimagesForLittens! ^img cred from SuitcaseMag
ThriftBooks.com and my BFF/coworker parted ways when the warehouse where we worked was shut down. I still recommend ThriftBooks.com and I would definitely work for them again if our journey takes us back to a different warehouse.
So as a rare book nerd, I had to add this article.
PS: My ThriftBooks coworker and I are engaged.
For optimal procrastination, I researched #pilgrimage ideas for #Littens who love #travel! #PilgramagesForLittens
Inspiring Literary Destinations in the UK:
Beautiful Hotels with a Literary Connection:
Modern Literary locales in Dublin:
Happy Pride Month, Littens! Celebrate, stay safe, and remember our LGBT+ ancestors.🏳️⚧️
I haven't read the tagged book, but now that I know it exists I absolutely *must*! 🏳️🌈
Your gender nonbinary, panromantic, asexual book nerd friend,
A sober #nonfiction about a pastor (Richard Lischer) watching his son die from cancer. Heavy #Christian influences—both #Protestant and #Catholic. Grapples with suffering and faith.
Dear Gods, first, y‘all are the best and Litsy is the kindest place on the Internet and I may go MIA for a while but I‘ll always come back to you.
Second, 1 (one) day after venting on Litsy that Rowling is some kind of awful transphobe and on Twitter I somehow got into a conversation about gender and wages. This led me to the person‘s page and... 😬 yikes.
*heavy sigh*
As we know, R.K. Rowling is transphobic & therefore fans have claimed HP. Write your fanfic & please feel free to promote your HP fanfic in my comments!💜
I saw this display at 2nd & Charles. Apparently they didn‘t get the memo that Rowling is a TERF. The tagged book by J.K. Rowling is clearly transphobic.
If you want to read written by J.K. Rowling, buy used copies or borrow from your library so she does not receive another cent.
It‘s not only about old book smell. It‘s also about old book sound. 😍
I love books that need pillows.
1: milkshakes
2: yes!
3: meh.
4: one (1) piece of candy.
5: in general: purple. To wear: black.
#friyayintro @howjessreads
Any other Aaron Mahnke fans?
Watching episodes of Lore.
+1 participation
Total: 95
@TheReadingMermaid #TeamStoker
Finally getting around to reading this!
Participation +1
Total: 85
#teamstoker @TheReadingMermaid
Blech. I‘m candy corn. Worst Halloween candy IMHO.
Participation +1
Total: 84
#TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid
Snagged from @JoScho !
I‘m Sabrina/Gemini (fitting).
+1 Participation
Total: 83
#TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid #Scarathlon
My fiancé bought us a Funko of Death for my shelf on thanatology.
Participation +1
Total: 45
#TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid
A little late on #chillingphotochallege for ravens
My raven friend we got last year
#TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid
Participation +1
Total: 44
1: I will be this year!
2: Any suggestions for me??
3: Ravens
@Eggs #TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid #wondrouswednesday
+1 participation
Total: 26
Favorite Halloween meme
Because this is totally me.
+2 points.
Total: 23
#TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid
My favorite comment people make about my name isn‘t “Megara? Like Hercules?” It‘s “Sanderson? Like hocus pocus?” 🤣🔮
I should get this shirt: https://etsy.me/2QkVhYe
#TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid
Participation +1
Total: 21 points
#TeamStoker update!
Still reading this spooky book.
+1 Participation
+5 comments for @TheReadingMermaid
Total: 20 points