Maybe one of the last days for coffee and a good book on my terrace. This book is a fantastic YA fantacy book with a mix of Nordic mythology, high school friends, crime scenes, strange events and much more.
Maybe one of the last days for coffee and a good book on my terrace. This book is a fantastic YA fantacy book with a mix of Nordic mythology, high school friends, crime scenes, strange events and much more.
Read it - read it - read it. Such a lovely story. Danish title is "Sommeren jeg mødte dig".
Yeah!! It was available at the Danish library ebook service www.ereolenglobal.dk, so I am having a really good time back in "the universe of Harry Potter". If you live in Denmark and want to read the book monitor ereolenGlobal - the book cannot be booked, but will be available now and then.
Just finished this book - ended with a cliffhanger. Maybe I should just start next book. Rated it max stars on Goodreads.
Read it as an ebook last night. Was surpricingly good - better than expected.
85% read. This is second book of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.
Am I the only one who reads with Scottish accent when Jamie speaks? 😂