Needed a light read after this week, so picked some Wodehouse. Jeeves and Wooster never disappoint! 💜💜💜
Needed a light read after this week, so picked some Wodehouse. Jeeves and Wooster never disappoint! 💜💜💜
Old-timey space adventure comics are my jam. Excited about this purchase!!
This appears in the reminisces of Henry Hawkins, a notoriously poor judge known to almost universal contempt as 'Hanging Hawkins.' The Oxford English Dictionary of National Biography thinks his book is unreliable, and was almost certainly not written by him (the four chapters narrated by his dog were also, I suspect, not by the dog).
This book is everything I wanted it to be and more. I am eating it up at a rapid pace, which isn't how I normally read nonfic. Highly recommend!
This book is everything I wanted it to be and more. I am eating it up at a rapid pace, which isn't how I normally read nonfic. Highly recommend!
The best SFF books take you a world that make you think differently about your own.
"The flickering light was blinding and confusing, and a thin hail smote gustily at my face as I drove down the slope."
Up next! I 100% bought this book for the Edward Gorey illustrations and have never actually read it. 👽👽👽
This is full on butt-kicking Wonder Woman and I loved every page!!! This is a Diana who fights hard, but fights for peace and family and makes hard choices. This is MY Wonder Woman.
A beautiful Wonder Woman from George Perez. I found this book yesterday at Brookline Booksmith and I am loving it so far!
"She was obstinate, you know, and what they call a character, at the best of times." ~ that's a murder victim if ever I met one