Just me casually standing around carrying a stack of some of my favorite books. See any you like?
#bookstagram #favoritebooks #booklover #divergent #veronicaroth #thebookthief #marcuszusak #theselection #kierracass #thefaultinourstars #johngreen
Just me casually standing around carrying a stack of some of my favorite books. See any you like?
#bookstagram #favoritebooks #booklover #divergent #veronicaroth #thebookthief #marcuszusak #theselection #kierracass #thefaultinourstars #johngreen
"No mourners, no funerals."
Where are all my SOC addicts? I did a buddy read with my buddy @ihaveabookproblem (go follow her?) and Inej and Kaz are my new favorites. I admit I STILL have to read Crooked Kingdoms but rest assured I WILL!
#bookstagram #sixofcrows #crookedkingdoms #leighbardugo #booklover #bookaholic #allidoisread #booksarebetterthanpeople #gurlwiththebook
Back when I first read this book I LOVED it. Now that I'm a bit older I still like it but not to the same extent anymore. Does that happen to anyone else?
#bookstagram #theregistry #booklove #bookaholic #allidoisread #gurlwiththebook
Try as I can, I just couldn't get into this book. Had to call it a DNF and admit defeat...
#bookstagram #intheskonofamonster #booklife #gurlwiththebook
This book is so beautiful and precious. I am literally crying. At first I was thinking that the one day aspect wasn't going to really work out for me but...Wow was I wrong. I love that not only is it in Daniel's and Natasha's POV but it also dedicates about a page each to other people they interact with throughout the day. I also love how Daniel and Natasha were both very independent and different people which made the story so much better. 5/5
How did I ever live without the works of JK Rowling?
I saw the movie before I read the screenplay but that didn't diminish my experience! I was not able to put the book down!
5/5 stars
I can't remember exactly how I jumped on the SJM train but I am soo happy that I did, especially after ACOWAR. A Court of Wings and Ruin lived up to the hype, there were no (huge) disappointments; I couldn't put it down. I recommend you read it on a day where you have no responsibilities and NOTHING to do. WARNING: There will be tears. You will want more. You will be broken. I am currently an empty, numb shell of a human being.
Be Prepared.
SO many people recommended this book to me and I am so glad that it didn't disappoint. Sarah J. Mass has created a beautiful book that was impossible to put down. Feyre was such a wonderful character who just felt so real. The book had just the right amount of fantasy, romance and magic. I can't wait to start book #2. 5/5 stars