Beautifully written love story
A little anticlimactic for my taste but not bad overall
Empathy: because the commonality among human beings is emotion, and the only way we can bridge our vast discrepancies in experience is through what we feel. Let us be humbled in the knowledge that one may never fully understand the interior lives of others-but let us continue to care.
Loved the characters, but I really missed something with all the elusive, flowery language. Found myself constantly rereading passages and still missed something that I desperately needed to get what I wanted from this book. I would love to discuss it...
Loved the premise of this book, but the women were not well-written
I wanted to love this book, but it wasn‘t quite enough for me. Premise was awesome though...
I was mute. I didn‘t know what to say in a world where people were hated and attacked for not being the right color, not speaking the right language, not worshipping the right god or not loving the right people; a world where hatred was the common language, and bricks, the only words.