Kahro kirjuta veel.
A beautiful fairytale for grownups. It kind of bothers me that my mother brougt me this book. What is she trying to tell me.....
Really good. Althoug... the solution is on last 20 pages... And kind of loosely tied to the main story. The fact that it's the w---- .... usually author gives some clues to who is the murderer but not this one. I'm gonna find more of her books. ❤
Welll... I'm ill. I need something, that does not hurt my brain. Easy to read, well written. Yeah, it was good.
1. Fine
2. Not so fine
3. Omg. Is it ever going to end.
190 lehekülge ei arenenud kuhugi. Pärast ei õnnestunud enam raamatut käest panna. Lugesin kella 01.30. Kes homme tööle läheb?
Wow. I kinda thought i'm too stupid to read books suggested by writers or proffessors or other extremely smart people. But wow, it was a good book. Did not expect that i would like it as much as i did.