We can't wait to read Lincoln Michel's "Upright Beasts" from Coffee House Press! #AWP16
We can't wait to read Lincoln Michel's "Upright Beasts" from Coffee House Press! #AWP16
We love Kimberly Grey's stunning debut collection of poems from Persea Books! #AWP16 #notokensstaffpicks
No Tokens #AWP16 pick: we love Leslie Jamison's spine-tingling collection of essays from @Graywolfpress !
"Let him ruin your weekend but not your life. / That's what weekends are for." - Passing Through by D.A. Powell, who has some mighty majestic words in our forthcoming issue 5! (image by issue 5 contributor Jac Martinez)
Now reading: Issue 3 contributor Claire Vaye Watkins is just the best, isn't she? 😍