Excellent, all sorts of new elements brought into the story, like the explanation of who made the crossing and how they did it. Can't wait to pick up the final book tomorrow, I read this one in about a day.
Excellent, all sorts of new elements brought into the story, like the explanation of who made the crossing and how they did it. Can't wait to pick up the final book tomorrow, I read this one in about a day.
Engaging, I really enjoyed the plot, I immediately reserved the next two at my library. The only thing i struggle with is wrapping my head around the time period. Neo-feudal setting, that's also post-modern European. There is mention of the Harry Potter series, as well as Shakespeare and LOTR. It's a bit strange, but I'm looking forward to the rest of the story.
I liked this one, it has a couple over done tropes but it kept me entertained. I got in back in November in an owlcrate box, and finally got around to reading it the other night, (in about 4 hours before going to bed at 1am..)
The story is reminiscent of King Midas, he's actually sort of mentioned within the story itself, but it had some decent action, and a burgeoning romance I'm looking forward to, along with the fate of the kingdoms.
Holly Black is a queen in her own realm. The casual yet, clever way her other characters slide into the story is wonderful. The plot is dark and twisting, I was kept on the edge of my seat, the machinations of the court leave you constantly wondering who is on who's side. It is refreshing that the story doesn't rely in romance to pull the characters through, though, I am enthralled by what may happen between Jude and Cardan.
I liked this book, I enjoyed it and am looking forward to a sequel, but I found the story a bit rough in spots. I lost interest a few times, but in the end, I don't feel like it was a waste of time
This has so much development in it, both with the storyline, and the characters. Seeing all the fandom posts made me more curious about Rhysand's character, and the joke about wingspan, and now I can definitely say he's one of my favourite characters. The banter between him and Feyre is so well done, it adds so much to the story, I absolutely love it.
This was actually really quite good. I felt like it was a bit rough, but the story was engaging enough that I'm invested in the characters, and itching for the next one.
I loved reading about Sybella, what she endured at her Father's home. A great addition to the whole story line, I can't wait to read the next one!
Really liked this one, I'm excited to see how the other two books line up with this story.
I wasn't sure I'd like this at first, but it was a killer read. I'm a sucker for magic and historical characters, and this one worked in both wonderfully. The Christian imagery fits the time period, but doesn't overwhelm the story. I can always tell it's a good book when I manage to read it in a couple days, then immediately try to hunt down the sequel.
judging a book by its cover. the text irks me a little. the small text inside the large letters feels clumsy.
unexpected smut though. always a plus, though I thought the target market was slightly younger.