Lord voldemort has returned and his power has created tension in both the muggle and wizarding world. Two death eaters, Narcissa and Snape come together to discuss Narcissas son Draco, becoming a death eater. As result in Narcissas clear worry for her son, her and Snape make an unbreakable vow where snape promises to protect Draco under all costs. Dumbledore travels to number 4 privet drive to collect harry from the Dursley‘s.
Back at school, Dumbledore announces Snape to be the new Defence against the dark arts teacher, a surprising fact.
Later on, Harry receives a potions book that once belonged to someone named the Half blood prince, the book contains spells and amendments in the margins of the pages. Harry uses these notes and to excel at potions class.
Ron acquires a new girlfriend, Lavender, to which Hermione is extremely jealous of. 2y
Devastated that Snape managed to escape, harry examines the locket only to discover it‘s not the horcrux he thought it was but a fake with a note inside. Harry tells his friends that he will not be returning next year but be on a journey to kill Voldemort and destroy all the horcruxes. 2y
This book is written in third person limited perspective. This is established because Harry is referred to as “he, his” throughout the novel but what goes on in his head is not unknown, as the reader can see his thoughts and feelings unlike with the other characters.The entire book is based around Harry‘s perspective.