Speechless! This book left me speechless! Loved each word. Such a beautifully writen, heartbreakingly touching and overall amazing book!! One of the best I have read..ever!
Speechless! This book left me speechless! Loved each word. Such a beautifully writen, heartbreakingly touching and overall amazing book!! One of the best I have read..ever!
An absolutely wonderful read!! Loved this book so much! I can't believe it sat on my shelf unread for 2 years! What's wrong with me???
It's a book about taking chances, about trusting your heart, about believing that everything happens for a reason!! Highly recommend!
My current read is Unhinge by Calia Read. I loved Unravel when I read it more than a year ago so it's finally time to read the companion book! 105 pages in and absolutely loving it!!
#books #CaliaRead #Unravel #Unhinge
#ilovebooks #ilovereading
Can I give a book all the stars in the Universe?If so, I would give them to this book. It broke my heart multiple times but managed to put it back together.. I cried,I laughed (because Will..he is amazing)And it had really the best ending ever..I also read the continuation of the epilogue-it was everything. My heart almost burst with love and life, and joy..
Such a beautiful, heartbreaking book.. I have 300 pages left, my eyes hurt from crying yet I love this series so, so much..
Love this non-fiction book! And here I was thinking nonfic is boring..this is quite a rollercoaster!! Love it!
Finished this book recently.
It had sat on my shelf unread for more than year.. why didn't I pick it up sooner? One of the best books I have ever read!!
Read it!!!
Finished this book today. It was a good book, not my favorite from L.Genova but an interesting, insightful and informative read!!