I love when you find a book where it feels like the author took the lines right out of you.
I love when you find a book where it feels like the author took the lines right out of you.
She is the human incarnation of a night terror (and I love her).
Super funny and very relatable stories of extreme depression and anxiety. It's so nice and relieving to read something I can relate to and resonate my awkward feelings with. Even better to laugh at them.
Is mental illness memoir a genre? If it is, I think it's my favorite one.
About 80% through right now. The first 25% was an exact novelization of the Disney movie Aladdin - I feel a little gyp'd that these aren't new representations of the classic characters, but rather just bound Disney fan fiction.
Read this bc I wanted something I could finish in about 2 hours and I used to watch the show. I feel like a prude, but I think these books are soooo inappropriate for YA girls. Everyone in the book is awful and mean and just general bad influences for the target audience.
Boring and poorly strung together. For an added splash of WTF-ery, the author actually thanks ACD in her acknowledgements a la Anne Hathaway's Les Mis Oscars acceptance speech.
About a quarter of the way into this one - not sure what I think yet. I am on a serious Sherlock kick right now, so this book fits in perfectly with that + my goal of only reading books by women writers in 2016.
Ani is a terribly unlikable narrator, despite her delving into her past traumas. I wanted to like her, but it was so hard. I was blind-sided by the shooting and really just confused by the use of that as a plot device. It felt like it had been copied and pasted into the story. Overall, it was "eh".
Super engaging and very exciting. I loved the overlapping of each of the characters lives. I think of this book often and seriously hope there is a future film adaptation.
Started off slow & never really became the fast-paced thriller/mystery I was hoping for, but I still enjoyed it. Would make a great lazy beach or rainy weekend read.
Pandering and misogynistic! The worst "memoir" I have ever read.
This was my first KR book even though I love the show BONES. I was happy that the book was so different from the show - I didn't want to re-read the TV series. I wasn't too impressed with the mystery, though. I thought it was a little slow & boring in parts.