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Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
Among the mega mansions and perfectly manicured hedges of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, everyone has something to hide especially four very pretty little liars. High school juniors Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily have been keeping secrets ever since their best friend, Alison DiLaurentis, disappeared three years ago. But when the girls begin receiving threatening notes from someone named A, their secrets the big ones, the little ones, even the long-buried ones no longer seem so safe.Unravel the Pretty Little Liars wildest mysteries in this special box set. But remember, nothing is as it seems in Rosewood . . . Pretty Little Liars Box Set includes books 1 to 4"
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Loved the show when I was younger. Loved this just as much. A great introduction to the series.


Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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So I didn‘t think I was going to like this & by the end I was screaming for more what the f^$< is THE JENNA THING??

So many uniquely scummy grown ass men in the lives of these teen girls, & just awful parenting all around. Really really bad 😂 lots of brand names are dropped if you want to read it for the early 00s nostalgia pop.


TheBookHippie Ha my daughter read every single one 🤣 she loved this book series. 1y
5feet.of.fury @TheBookHippie if they are all as addicting as the first one, I will be reading them all too! 1y
TheBookHippie @5feet.of.fury Enjoy! At least you don‘t have to wait for them to publish 🤣 1y
Andrew65 Sounds interesting. Well done 👏👏👏 1y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard

Started this after becoming obsessed with the show. Actually really enjoyed the book, it's so different to the TV programme but loved it.

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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My current read...I love the TV show but will I love the books. I'm a late comer with this one but loving it! 🙈😏❤️🤓

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I watched this with my daughter!! 2y
5feet.of.fury I almost started this today too! but ended up going with a thriller. I never watched the show though. 2y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Book 63

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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard

yes i‘m reading pretty little liars in the year 2022. what about it

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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To fulfill the #frenemies prompt for @Booked2021, I chose this “classic.“ Admittedly, I've never seen the show -- too much teen drama and scandal for me. Don't get me wrong, it was entertaining -- just not so entertaining that I had an overwhelming desire to keep reading the series. (I totally cheated and read the Wikipedia entry to figure out the answer to the my biggest unanswered question!)

@cinfhen @Barbarathebibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Cinfhen Hahaha, that‘s probably the review I would have written if I read this book!! Loved how you used Wiki to get the answers you needed!!! That was heads-up thinking 😍🤓🙌🏻 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I hear you with the teenage angst. It‘s one reason I struggle with any YA book. 🤩 3y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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I FINALLY read Pretty Little Liars, and — since I‘d never read any of the books or seen the show prior to getting ready for the new episode of my podcast — it made me feel like I did the day I caught up with my middle school classmates and got my own pair of Pumas! (I was late to the party on that one, too.) 😂😂 Author Joya Goffney joins me to discuss the experience on my pod and you can listen at the link in my bio!

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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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After loving the tv show I really enjoyed reading the original adaptation

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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“Two can keep a secret if I one of them is dead.” From one Sara Shepard book to the next. I enjoy reading her style of writing, with the killer plot twists and multiple points of view.

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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard

I forgot how enjoyable these books are! They are full of terrible parents raising terrible children, and I LOVE it!! Who doesn't love endless drama from pretty rich kids?? These are the perfect light summer reads, very simple and quick to read as well as enjoyable! I think this is an excellent series what what it is! By no means are these amazing pieces of literature but they are damn fun to read!

Jennick2004 One of my #GuiltyPleasures for sure! 4y
BookDragonNotWorm I loved them! 4y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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This has been on my #tbr for years, and admittedly, I felt so underwhelmed with it. Perhaps I am not in the mood for a soap opera-y storyline, though there were parts that made me want to keep listening. I can see why this is such a popular series. The characters themselves are also dealing with so many heavy issues! Good to knock this one off my list, but I‘m not rushing to book two yet. My choice for #seriesstarter for #TeenAngst #BBRC

LibrarianRyan I agree. I liked this one better as a show than as a book. 4y
Librarybelle @LibrarianRyan I need to watch the show. Some day... 4y
LibrarianRyan @Librarybelle Your not missing much. The first two seasons were the best. It was just so over dramatic, especially if you binge it. 4y
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batsy The show is perfect brain candy. And it got more ridiculous towards the end, just absolute nonsense like Riverdale. But that's my guilty pleasure TV 😂 4y
Librarybelle @batsy Brain candy is perfect! 😂 4y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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“Like my boyfriend? He‘s so scared I‘m going to #ditch him now that we‘re on different coasts. He‘s such a big baby.” #QuotsyJan20

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Book: pretty little liars
Movie: harry potter and the sorcerers stone
Song: I'm the lock and you're the key so come on open me- brand new moves by hey violet

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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Day 12 of #SpringIntoReading
My pick for #cliques is Pretty Little Liars. I read some of the books (working my way through the series) and watched the show and thought they were both really interesting and full of surprises.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This was my Choice!! Great minds think alike!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Cinfhen My daughter loved this series 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen mine too! 5y
Cinfhen Ha!!! Not surprised @TrishB 👯‍♀️we need a mother/daughter get together 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen absolutely 😘 give them more opportunities to roll their eyes 👀 and be snarky!! 5y
Cinfhen Ha!!! For sure @TrishB 5y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Fun rich teenage girls drama. I don't plan on watching the show or contine reading the books, but it was a nice fun read.

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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She handed the ring—holding it by its #diamond, which even Hanna knew you weren‘t supposed to do—back to the saleswoman. “These diamonds are all too small,” she said. “Sorry.” #QuotsyJan19

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Emily on the far is on the far left of pls Emily on the right far corner in the TV tie in is Emily in the TV show.Next to Emily in the PLs (pretty little secrets) is Hanna in the (tv tie in ) the blonde in the middle is Hanna in front of her is Aria in the tvti in pls the raven haired girl in the middle is aria You can guess right now the last girl in both the books is you guessed it Spencer aren‘t the differences crazy comment what you think

KiePen That didn't make sense @Pat1129willWINN 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Quick and fun read that left me wanting more. I wasn't sure how close to the book the show had been, so it was insteresting to see the comparisons.
Book 3 of 2019

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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Forgot to post this last night. I finished book 92 around 11:30pm last night. The Goodreads challenge was the only one I completed 😂. I came close to finishing the A to Z challenge led by @BookishMarginalia but missed it by 8 books. #2018readingchallenges

sprainedbrain Very nice stats! 🥳 6y
BookishMarginalia You did well! 6y
Airykah13 @BookishMarginalia thanks! Is there a link for the 2019 form? 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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In addition to the Goodreads challenge I‘m doing these other four challenges. I found a website that had a ton of challenges listed and I wanted to do a bunch more but let‘s be real, four is all I can keep up with, lol. #cloakanddaggerchal #beatthebacklist2019 #ampersand2019 #aussieauthor19

Fantasyfan Where did you find the cloak and dagger challenge? I finally have the last book (which was #1) so I can read these now! 6y
Airykah13 @Fantasyfan https://www.booksmoviesreviewsohmy.com/cloak-and-dagger-2019-sign-up/ — I‘m hoping this one picks up a bit, it‘s a little slow (edited) 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Brownie galore!! 😍😍 And there's another batch waiting to be cut into portions in the fridge... The saddest part is that I won't be even trying any of these this time around. 😅😂😂

#ambaking #chocolate #chocolateaddict #brownies

Also, I'm kind of wishing I could DNF Pretty Little Liars because I'm absolutely detesting it so far... Definitely another case of not-for-me. 😫

Ddzmini Yum 😋 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Ready to go brownie crazy today! Baking brownie for 40 persons... I'm starting Pretty Little Liars while the first batch is in the oven. 🍫😍

#ambaking #brownie #chocolateaddict

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Listened to the tagged audiobook while I made our vow envelopes. Navy for Nolan, and burgundy for me. ♥️ I am honestly in love with these. 😍😍😍

The audiobook was exactly what I needed. Something simple and easy to follow while I craft.

#literarywedding #librarywedding #bookishwedding #OscarMeyer #Sept15th2018 #FallWedding #NavyBurgundyEggplantGold #vows

DivineDiana They look wonderful! 6y
9999 @Clwojick I cannot believe how much our cats look alike! My cat saku is black with green/blue eyes and a white patch on his chest we call a go button. 6y
Clwojick @sskk **immediately creeps page for ALL THE CAT PHOTOS** My #OscarMeyer definitely has chubbier cheeks, but other than that, they certainly look alike! Does Saku have a brother that looks like #TotesAmaze too? (edited) 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Rereading pretty little liars and realized my book is from #borders I miss that bookstore 😔 anyone remember it?

MicheleinPhilly Oh yes. Can‘t tell you how many unread books I have from their going out of business sale. 😬 6y
ashley_o13 @MicheleinPhilly that was one of the most saddest moments. I found a receipt from there that said final sale no returns 😭 6y
rather_be_reading 😢😢 6y
ashley_o13 @rather_be_reading I just finished reading a book and they mentioned borders in it 😭 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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I remember reading all these books as a teenager, but I never made it to the second season when the show came out. I started rewatching it a few weeks ago, and will admit that it‘s kind of consumed my life. 😅

Saknicole Haha yeah that show is so ridiculous, but it can hook you for sure! Good luck escaping! 6y
Victoriahoperose OMG. I was obsessed. I‘m so excited for the spin off. PLL is my BIGGEST guilty pleasure. 6y
amb Wait, @Victoriahoperose there is a spinoff coming?! I must know more 6y
Victoriahoperose Yes!!! The perfectionists!! I think it‘s out this year 6y
tracey38 I loved this show!! 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard

A good, quick summer read.

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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My nightstand is a mess. I actually just cleaned a bunch of books off it to make room for my #24in48 readathon stack. #hour18 #bookstandchallenge @24in48

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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I bought this aaaages ago and I'm now finally getting around to reading it. I watched the TV show first and loved it so thought I'd see how it compares to the book series.
#amreading #prettylittleliars #pll #pllbooks #ya #yalovin #yabooks #yafiction #yaauthor #sarashepard #tbrlist #tbr #bookgeek #bookblog #bookblogger #blog #blogger #reviewer #lovebooks

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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When their best friend & core of the group Ali goes missing, the remaining four girls turn the #ColdShoulder on each other... Until the day of Ali's funeral, when something happens that draws them all back together. #AdelesMayMashUp @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

blithebuoyant Omg I haven‘t read these since high school! I loved them so much lol 6y
vkois88 @blithebuoyant same!! It's been a long time since I read them. I really liked the first 3/4 of the series, but then it felt like she gave up and they just got more far fetched... almost like she was competing with the show, since it was so drastically different. 6y
blithebuoyant @vkois88 yes! I think I stopped at Heartless? 6y
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monkeygirlsmama Never did read the books, but watched every single episode of the tv show. 6y
GripLitGrl 🤗🤗🤗 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Good one!! 🙌🏻 6y
vkois88 @blithebuoyant I read them all. I felt like it was an obligation lol... @monkeygirlsmama I still haven't finished the last season, I just got burnt out on it. It's still sitting in my Netflix queue. Like the books, it just got to be too much. Definitely competing with each other. It would still be worth a read if you really enjoyed the show even if just for comparison. @GripLitGrl @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks 😘 trying to think outside the box 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88 I‘m doing good to post these days!!! Lol 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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#cleaninoutmycloset ‘A‘ definitely feels like they have the right to tell all of these girls secrets. I‘ve read the first 7 in the series and want to read the others at some point. Complete guilty pleasure 😂 love the show too even though the ending was a let down. #aprella

batsy The show was a total guilty pleasure, I loved it ☺️ And I too felt the ending was a complete let down. Maybe that's what happens when the drama goes on for too long... 6y
Mdargusch It‘s a great guilty pleasure though. 👍🏼 6y
emilyhaldi I never got into this one but it looks like a perfect guilty pleasure!! 6y
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Cinfhen I remember my daughter loving books & TV series 6y
youneverarrived @batsy I know..such a good show but for it to end like that!! 😐 6y
youneverarrived @Cinfhen they‘re both good but they do differ. Think I actually prefer the TV series. 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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I may have gone overboard today with the #Audible First in a Series Sale... #audiobookaddict

RiotMom Irene and Heartsick! Such good choices!! 6y
SassyBookworm Ohhh I LOVE Maisie Dobbs!!! I‘m on book 10 now!!! 6y
Chocamanda @RiotMom Heartsick has been on my TBR for a while now but Irene was an impulse buy. I'm glad to know it was a good choice! 6y
Chocamanda @Chrysta23 I've been wanting to climb aboard the Maisie Dobbs train for a while now, and Audible gave me the perfect excuse to take the plunge 📚 6y
SassyBookworm @Chocamanda I have mostly listened to Maisie Dobbs too! I do enjoy the narrator! If you enjoy Maisie check out a kind of similar series Maggie Hope 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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batsy The TV show was so bingeworthy 😆 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great one!!!!! Those girls 🤦🏼‍♀️☺️ 6y
GripLitGrl @batsy Definitely great binge TV! 6y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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There are plenty of scenes at the local coffee shop, The Brew, in Rosewood where these girls stir up lots of trouble 💄💋

JoeStalksBeck 👏👏👏👏👏 7y
Kendra.Diane I read it all the way through, so irritating but satisfying 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Kendra.Diane I read the first couple and watched it with my daughter for a while and then I got fed up with freaking A!!! 😫😫 7y
Kendra.Diane @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I knows how you feel! The series feels like it‘ll never end, along with the show! 7y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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NTTBF signed copy of the 1st book of Pretty Little Liars🤩

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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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First thing that popped in my head for today‘s prompt - Pretty Little #Liars

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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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I thought of these chicks for today‘s prompt #someoneswatchingsunday 👀

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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MishAnn I want to read these all. Guess I need a library card 💳 7y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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My favourite bookish girlfriends: Pretty Little Liars 🙈🙉🙊

#anditsaugust (Girlfriends!)

#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bibliophile #books #bookblog #bookblogger #ya #youngadult #prettylittleliars #pll #girlfriends

Kendra.Diane Ugh I'm almost done and for a little bit I was getting annoyed but man did book 14 blow me out of the water!! 7y
Jilljemmett @Kendra.Diane I only read a few of the books and I watched the show instead. Are they worth reading too? 7y
Kendra.Diane @Jilljemmett I think so!! It takes some time but I liked how it turned out!! 7y
Jilljemmett @Kendra.Diane thanks! I'll definitely return to the series! 7y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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I'm happy that my girls are nothing like these girls!! My daughter does like to watch this show! I watched it for a while, but it just wore me out trying to figure out who "A" was!

Cinfhen How old are your girls??? My daughter used to LOVE this show 7y
Kendra.Diane I'm currently reading this serious, the frustration is real 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Cinfhen 23 and 16!! My 16 yr old loves it!! 7y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Kendra.Diane totally!!! 7y
Cinfhen My daughter is 24...but it was Blake Lively and Gossip Girl that she was obsessed with! I think she did watch PLL, though. I have a 15 yr old (boy) and a 22 yr old son in between. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Cinfhen I think this is the last season!! Oh my daughter just it's over 😊 7y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard

I loved the show so it's no surprise that this book was fun and easy to get through. A great break from some of the heavier subject matter on my TBR :)

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Some light reading before diving into another book from my TBR pile!

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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These girls all have #style (love their clothes in the TV show, Hannah in the last season especially 😍) #jubilantjuly

Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Starting in on a reread of a series that I was hooked on as a teen! I forgot how addicting these books are and I've forgotten so many of the details of them. They are such a guilty pleasure!

MyNamesParadise Agreed! Although I wish they'd left it with the original 8 but then the tv show came on and got so popular, they released 8 more. Do you watch the show? 7y
wellreadredhead @MyNamesParadise I watched the first few seasons of the show a long time ago. I'm planning on rereading all the novels and then watching the show since it's over now! 7y
MyNamesParadise @collegecatlady that's a good plan! I only have the final 10 episodes to watch, but I hope they're released to Netflix soon. The show and the books are close enough in some aspects that I always get the details confused 🙈 7y
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monkeygirlsmama I never read the books, but was hopelessly addicted to the series. The finale of which had me sniffling and wiping my eyes. I was happy with the way the writers ended things. Like all PLL episodes, there were some far out there, take it with a grain of salt, aspects; however, all in all, I loved it. Will miss watching it every week. Maybe I should fill the void with the books too. 💡 (edited) 7y
wellreadredhead @monkeygirlsmama Honestly the PLL book series is one of the best young adult series I've ever read. I think they're still very enjoyable as an adult and I get sucked into the world of Rosewood and can't stop reading. 7y
monkeygirlsmama @collegecatlady Sounds like they need to go back on the TBR list. 7y
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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Pretty Little Liars | Sara Shepard
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I would have to say that Allison fits this category perfectly 🙄
I love this song btw 🎼🎼

Cinfhen She is ooooozing attitude 💅🏼🤳🏻💄 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Cinfhen nice emojis!!! I forgot those😆 7y
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