Loved it.
I'm looking for a good mystery series to read with a globe trotting aspect. I have read a couple that I really liked, Ritter Ames and Sara Rosett's On The Run series. Anybody have a recommendation?
This was a pretty good book. I don't think I would give it 5 stars but maybe 4!
I really like this author. This is a great book. Put this on your must read list.
As I mentioned in my blurb, the story did get better. Gave it 4 stars. Still lacked something. Can't put my finger on it though. For lack of anything better to read I started the second book in this series. See if there is some improvement.
Pick this up on my Kindle. Had pretty good reviews so I thought I would try it. Definitely not written as well as others I have read. The story better improve soon or I'm moving on.
So my blurb about not liking this book was true for the first half but the second half was much better. I have given it so-so rating here and 3 stars on Goodreads.
I'm about 30% through this book now. I don't really understand how some authors can become so famous for average writing skills! I have read so many books that are way better tban average from authors that are mostly unknown by the "experts and the media"., and very few from big time authors! I will probably finish it but will pass on his others unless the price is really good.
Loved this book.
About half way through. So far a very good book. Let's see how it ends!
I love this author. I kind if lost track about three quarters of the way through it. Might have been just me, I was interrupted a lot and couldn't stick with it consistently.
Just starting reading this. I have read several of her books including this series. She is such a good writer! After reading several dull and poorly written novels that are "Blockbusters" I need to read a well written mystery.
This was a very sweet story, maybe a little to over the top sweet. Being a the macho guy I am, the ending DID not leave me in tears or a with a lump in my throat! I read it mostly because of where it takes place. Although I am familiar with the surroundings I enjoyed the story and the characters.
Found it just interesting enough to finish. Some sloppy writing at times. Very predictable. Toward the end she completely jump passed a very important and possibly the most exciting part to get to the end. It was like she just reached a word count goal and wrapped up the story!