I really like the first half, but the second half became very predictable and less interesting. While it is a pretty unique story, and very well written, I found the 2 most interesting characters weren't explored enough.
I really like the first half, but the second half became very predictable and less interesting. While it is a pretty unique story, and very well written, I found the 2 most interesting characters weren't explored enough.
"You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that"
So excited to start this it's so pretty 😍 has anyone else read it?
"You are an ember in the ashes, Elias Veturius. You will spark and burn, ravage and destroy. You cannot change it. You cannot stop it."
I was expecting the normal “boy meets girl, they fall in love, they fight and break up, they get back together and live happily ever after”, BUT it wasn‘t anything like that. While I loved the fact that it was set in Australia I found that a lot of the Australianness was exaggerated with certain characters. Overall, a surprisingly good book and a really good and unconventional ending.
""What do I do?" Blue asked cannily. "What have you guys seen me doing?"
"Travelling," Maura replied. "Changing the world."
"Trees in your eyes," Calla added, more gently than usual. "Stars in your heart."
- Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven King